EPF: Withdraw savings at 75

All contributors to the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) should withdraw their savings upon reaching the age of 75.

This is because no contribution would be accepted upon contributors reaching that age and no dividend would be paid on their savings.

EPF Corporate Communications Unit head Nik Affendi Jaafar said contributors’ savings would also be transferred to the Registrar of Unclaimed Monies when they reached the age of 80.
“The EPF is not like a bank. That’s why we don’t encourage contributors to continue saving with the EPF because after the age of 75, we will no longer pay any dividend.

“We will also transfer the money to the Government if it is not claimed when the contributor reaches the age of 80,” he said yesterday.

Nik Affendi was asked to comment on the confusion relating to EPF contributions after members reach 75. — Bernama


DUNIA 26.10.2010 : Muntahan Merapi tunggu masa

AKTIVITI seismik dan peningkatan lahar gunung berapi Merapi, di Yogyakarta yang meningkat mendadak menandakan letusan akan berlaku pada bila-bila masa.

Penduduk diarahkan pindah

YOGYAKARTA: Indonesia semalam meningkatkan amaran berjaga-jaga peringkat tertinggi bagi menghadapi kemungkinan gunung berapi Merapi meletus dan mengarahkan penduduk yang tinggal berhampiran untuk segera berpindah ke kawasan selamat.

Aktiviti seismik dilaporkan meningkat secara dramatik di kawasan gunung berapi terbabit yang meningkatkan pengeluaran lahar serta kira-kira 500 gempa akibat aktiviti terbabit direkodkan sepanjang hujung minggu lalu.
Pegawai yang memantau gunung berapi itu meningkatkan tahap berjaga-jaga ke merah pada 6 pagi semalam, memberi amaran kemungkinan letusan berlaku.

“Lahar sudah mula naik ke atas berikutan kuasa seismik yang semakin meningkat dan kira-kira satu kilometer di bawah kawah,” kata pakar gunung berapi, Surono.

Penduduk diarahkan untuk berpindah dari kawasan zon bahaya kira-kira 10 kilometer dari kawasan kawah gunung berapi setinggi 2,914 meter berkenaan.

Gunung itu terletak 26 kilometer ke selatan Yogyakarta adalah paling aktif daripada 69 gunung berapi yang mempunyai sejarah letusan di Indonesia.

Kali terakhir ia meletus adalah pada Jun 2006 yang mengakibatkan dua orang maut, tetapi kejadian letupan paling banyak meragut nyawa adalah pada 1930 apabila lebih 1,300 penduduk dilaporkan terbunuh.

Awan panas daripada letupan lain pada 1994 dilaporkan membunuh lebih 60 penduduk.

“Ia kini mempunyai lebih tenaga berbanding letusan sebelum 2006. Kami belum menemui petunjuk kuat bahawa ia akan meletup seperti yang berlaku pada 1930, tetapi ada kemungkinan ia akan berlaku,” kata Surono. – AFP

BH 26/10/2010

Wajib lulus subjek Sejarah mampu pupuk minat generasi muda


KEPUTUSAN kerajaan menetapkan mata pelajaran Sejarah sebagai subjek wajib lulus bagi Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) mulai 2013 dan menjadikannya mata pelajaran teras dalam Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) mulai 2014 adalah tepat. Dalam KSSR, subjek ini akan diterapkan dengan unsur kewarganegaraan, patriotisme dan Perlembagaan bagi memastikan pelajar memahami serta menghayati sejarah negara secara mendalam. Kita tentunya tidak mahu anak yang mempelajari sejarah negara sekadar mahu lulus peperiksaan, tetapi gagal menghayati, mengambil pengajaran dan teladan apa yang tersirat daripada peristiwa yang berlaku. Keputusan menjadikan Sejarah, subjek wajib lulus itu diumumkan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin merangkap Timbalan Presiden UMNO ketika menggulung perbahasan pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO Ke-61 baru-baru ini jelas mengungkap ketegasan kerajaan untuk memastikan generasi hari ini tidak buta sejarah. Keputusan itu juga menjelaskan bahawa sesuatu perlu dilakukan sebelum masyarakat lupa sejarah bangsanya sendiri. Apatah lagi akhir-akhir ini, ada kumpulan tertentu yang mempersoalkan fakta sejarah negara, walaupun ia sudah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kumpulan ini berani mencabar hak dan keistimewaan orang Melayu, institusi Raja-Raja Melayu dan agama Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan. Persoalannya, kenapa mereka mempertikaikannya sama ada secara sedar atau tidak. Semuanya kerana mereka buta sejarah, pada masa sama cuba mengangguk di air keruh menghasut rakyat mempercayai apa yang mereka bangkitkan demi kepentingan politik sempit mereka. Sejarah adalah satu subjek penting bagi membolehkan setiap individu mengetahui asal usul bangsa mereka. Sistem pendidikan hari ini yang lebih mengutamakan mata pelajaran berteraskan sains menyebabkan minat dalam subjek Sejarah diabaikan sehingga ia dianggap tidak penting.

Mata pelajaran Sejarah ketika ini hanya subjek teras pada peringkat sekolah menengah yang wajib diambil, tetapi tidak wajib lulus. Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah mengapa ramai pelajar tidak menguasai subjek itu. Pengajaran subjek Sejarah perlu diubah dan tidak hanya di dalam kelas menggunakan buku teks, tetapi perlu dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan menyeronokkan. Ketegasan kerajaan melaksanakan wajib lulus subjek Sejarah perlu disokong semua pihak, terutama ibu bapa. Kita tidak mahu ada memandang mudah perkara itu dengan menganggap mata pelajaran lain lebih penting dan menolak subjek Sejarah dijadikan wajib lulus. Justeru, kerajaan perlu tegas melaksanakannya dengan tidak membenarkan mana-mana pelajar atau sekolah terkecuali mempelajarinya. Pada masa sama, kerajaan tidak wajar terlalu akomodatif atas desakan pihak tertentu untuk mengubah fakta sejarah bagi memenuhi kepentingan mereka. Sejarah adalah fakta dan hakikatnya, tiada sesiapa boleh mengubahnya. Jika dulu kita mempelajari sejarah Inggeris dan Barat bagi kepentingan politik penjajah British, sudah sampai masa kita kembali mempelajari sejarah bangsa dan negara sendiri. Memahami sejarah tempatan dapat meningkatkan semangat cintakan negara dan perjuangan bangsa, seterusnya dapat memupuk perpaduan dan semangat patriotisme generasi muda. Kita bimbang tanpa pengetahuan sejarah, generasi muda tidak dapat memahami semangat dan roh gagasan 1Malaysia dan pentingnya perpaduan antara kaum. Kita akui langkah ini sepatutnya sudah lama dilaksanakan, tetapi masih belum terlambat demi kelangsungan keamanan untuk generasi akan datang.

Petikan Minda Pengarang BH 26/10/2010


Wajib lulus Sejarah di peringkat SPM mulai 2013 : TPM

Kementerian Pelajaran memutuskan untuk menjadikan mata pelajaran Sejarah sebagai mata pelajaran wajib lulus di peringkat peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) mulai tahun 2013.

Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata syarat wajib lulus itu sama seperti mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia drbagai syarat untuk mendapat SPM.

"Kita kena bagi masa sedikit masa kalau tidak dia (pelajar) terkejut.. jadi ini memerlukan tempoh masa untuk kita melatih guru dan juga meneydiakan pelajar-pelajar kita untuk menghadapi sistem baru ini, " katanya yang juga Menteri Pelajaran ketika mengulung perbahasan di Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2010 di sini semalam.

- Bernama (Utusan Borneo 24/10/2010)

Teliti dulu subjek Sejarah syarat wajib lulus SPM

NGO mahu kerajaan fokus kaedah pengajaran, pembelajaran

Aktivis sosial, ahli akademik dan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) mahu pengisian subjek Sejarah diteliti terlebih dulu sebelum ia dijadikan subjek wajib lulus dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) bermula 2013.

Ini bagi memastikan matlamat pembinaan negara bangsa melalui subjek itu dicapai dan pelajar bukan hanya menghafal tarikh untuk lulus peperiksaan tetapi tidak memahami dan menghayati apa yang mereka pelajari di bilik darjah

Presiden Majlis Permuafakatan Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru Nasional (PIBGN), Prof Madya Datuk Dr Mohamad Ali Hassan, berkata langkah mewajibkan mata pelajaran Sejarah sebagai syarat mendapat SPM akan menjadikan pelajar lebih serius dan mengambil perhatian terhadap subjek itu.

“Saya berharap perancangannya perlu berhati-hati, telus dan berhemah, serta tidak akan undur ke belakang.

“Ia kerana sejarah adalah roh bagi pendidikan warga negara, tanpa mengetahui sejarah maka warga negara itu akan buta sejarah, dan jika buta sejarah takkan tahu asal usul, menyebabkan individu itu tak tentu arah serta kabur masa depan negara,” katanya semalam.

Beliau mengulas pengumuman Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, kelmarin bahawa mata pelajaran itu akan dijadikan subjek wajib lulus dan subjek teras dalam Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR).
Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Pelajaran berkata ketika ini elemen sejarah diajar dalam subjek Kajian Tempatan di sekolah rendah sebelum diterapkan sebagai subjek teras di bawah KSSR bermula 2014.

Kenyataan Mohamad Ali disokong aktivis sosial, Dr Chandra Muzaffar yang mahu kerajaan memberi fokus kepada kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran subjek Sejarah.

“Kaedah pembelajaran dunia bersifat ‘dari atas ke bawah’ kini dikritik dan ia seharusnya bersifat komunikasi dua hala melalui per-bincangan terbuka bilik darjah. Kaedah pembelajaran penting bagi memastikan pelajar memahami serta menerima apa yang diajar.

“Pada hemat saya, pengisian subjek itu perlulah lebih daripada sekadar menghafal tarikh untuk lulus peperiksaan dan lebih penting mereka memahami falsafah di sebalik subjek Sejarah yang bertujuan meningkatkan kefahaman di antara kaum di negara ini,” katanya.

Profesor Sosio-linguistik Bahasa Melayu Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Prof Dr Teo Kok Seong, berkata penekanan dalam subjek Sejarah tepat pada masanya kerana sebilangan generasi muda kini semakin ‘buta sejarah’ dan ini dibuktikan melalui perdebatan beberapa isu seperti kontrak sosial tersirat dalam perlembagaan negara.

“Sebab itu kita nampak kontrak sosial dicabar terutama dalam media baru, nampak sangat mereka jahil mengenai sejarah,” katanya menegaskan sejarah Malaysia bukan bermula dengan kemerdekaan 1957, tetapi dengan Kesultanan Melaka sebelum itu yang gagal difahami, malah diputar-belit segelintir pihak.

Pensyarah Fakulti Pengajian Islam UKM, Prof Zakaria Stapa, berkata penekanan sejarah penting dalam membentuk jati diri rakyat berbilang kaum dengan menghayati latar belakang dan perkembangan Malaysia yang bermula dengan sebuah kesultanan di Nusantara Melayu.

“Sejarah akan merungkaikan kenapa perlembagaan negara digubal begitu, adanya kedudukan istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera dan pada masa sama hak kaum-kaum lain juga terbela,” katanya.

BH 25/10/2010


Menara Warisan Merdeka 100 tingkat tidak sentuh duit pelabur – PNB

Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) hari ini berkata, pembangunan projek Warisan Merdeka yang mempunyai menara tertinggi di Malaysia, akan dibiayai melalui dana dalamannya sendiri tanpa ‘menyentuh’ langsung dana pemegang unit amanahnya.

Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan, Tan Sri Hamad Kama Piah Che Othman (gambar) berkata, PNB, sebuah firma pelaburan terbesar di Malaysia, memiliki dana operasinya sendiri yang dikendalikan secara berasingan dengan portfolio dana para pemegang unit amanah.

‘‘Kami akan menggunakan dana sendiri yang dikumpul daripada keuntungan PNB sejak mula operasi (penubuhannya),’’ kata Hamad Kama Piah dalam satu taklimat tentang projek Warisan Merdeka di sini hari ini.

Pada taklimat itu, beliau menyangkal spekulasi bahawa projek milik PNB akan menggunakan dana amanah saham dan juga dibiayai oleh kerajaan.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dalam pembentangan Bajet 2011 pada Jumaat lalu mengumumkan bahawa PNB akan membina projek bersepadu melibatkan pembinaan menara setinggi 100 tingkat dengan mengekalkan Stadium Merdeka dan Stadium Negara, dua bangunan sejarah negara, yang turut terletak di kawasan yang sama.

Keseluruhan projek itu bernilai RM5 bilion, dijangka siap pada tahun 2015.

Hamad Kama Piah tidak menolak kemungkinan PNB mendapatkan sumber pembiayaan lain tetapi ia tertakluk kepada sejauh mana usaha berkenaan mampu memaksimumkan pulangan daripada projek tersebut.

Katanya, projek pembangunan itu yang bakal disepadukan dengan dua bangunan warisan sejarah itu, akan dimajukan oleh PNB dan juga anak-anak syarikatnya tanpa menolak kemungkinan penyertaan mana-mana pelabur asing,

Beliau menambah, projek Warisan Merdeka yang dimiliki sepenuhnya PNB melalui PNB Merdeka Venture, adalah melibatkan pembangunan bercampur berkonsep bangunan hijau, di atas tapak seluas 19 ekar untuk tempoh pembangunan selama 10 tahun.

Katanya, selain menara yang bakal menempatkan ibu pejabat baru PNB, projek yang akan dimajukan dalam tiga fasa, akan turut mempunyai unit-unit kondominium dan kompleks membeli-belah.

‘‘Ibu pejabat PNB sedia ada yang terletak di Menara PNB (Jalan Tun Razak) akan mencapai usia 30 tahun pada 2016 dan ia perlu dinaikkan tarafnya,’’ tambah Hamad Kama Piah.

Beliau menegaskan, projek Warisan Merdeka bukanlah baharu dirancang dan dimasukkan dalam Bajet 2011 tetapi telah dirancang sejak 2004 selepas kawasan tanahnya dibeli daripada Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd. pada tahun 2000.

Katanya, sejak itu keperluan projek berkenaan terus dikaji dan Lembaga Pengarah PNB merasakan sekarang adalah masa terbaik untuk melaksanakannya setelah lama tertunda dan ketiadaan banyak projek besar dijangka memudahkan usaha mendapat kelulusan.

Selain itu, kata Hamad Kama Piah, projek berkenaan akan membantu menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.

Beliau juga berkata, projek itu merupakan usaha PNB menukar kelas aset dan mempelbagaikan portfolio berbanding hanya tertumpu kepada pelaburan ekuiti.

Beliau mengakui projek itu kecil saiznya untuk dilaksanakan selama 10 tahun tetapi menyatakan tempoh masa yang ditetapkan dalam memajukan projek itu adalah strategi ke arah memaksimumkan pulangan.

Hamad Kama Piah menjelaskan, tidak timbul soal projek itu berdaya maju atau sebaliknya berikutan lambakan semasa ruang pejabat kerana sukar untuk menentukan masa yang dianggap benar-benar sesuai.

‘‘Pembinaan projek ini tidak disegerakan sebelum ini bagi mengambil faedah tidak banyak bangunan hijau yang ada,’’ kata beliau.

Hamad Kama Piah menambah, pelaksanaan projek ikonik adalah bertujuan mencetuskan minat ramai terhadap pembangunan di kawasan berkenaan dan serusnya meraih pulangan yang diharapkan.


20.10.2010 : Foundation of houses not affected by low water level

River Bank as on 20.10.2010 ( Sibu)

SIBU: The low water level in the Rajang River following the impoundment of water in Bakun Hydroelectric Dam will not affect the foundation of houses in low-lying areas here.

Department of Irrigation and Drainage’s chief engineer Ting Sing Kwong said the situation had not come to such a critical stage.

“This is because of the tidal effect. Water from the seas comes up the river and fills the slack in our water level.”

On the concern that the water level at Tua Pek Kong Wharf here had become so low that the riverbed has become visible, Ting said it was because of the low tide.

“There is nothing to worry about. There have been instances when water level was lower than the one now during low tide.”

The residents in low-lying areas are worried that the low water level would adversely affect the foundation of their houses.

If the water level goes lower to expose the mangrove wood in the foundation, the wood would rot and the foundations would become unstable.

Houses in low-lying areas from Hua Kiew Road to Kapor Road were built three decades to half a century ago on mangrove wood foundations.

Ting said as long as there is water in monsoon drains, houses would still be stable.
“This means the water beneath the houses will keep the buildings intact.”

He said until today, there have been no instances of dry drains in the residential areas.
Records provided by Ting showed that the level has dropped only slightly.

On Oct 13, the water level was 0.30 metres above sea level during low tide and 1.43 meters during high tide.

On Oct 18, the level was 0.14 metres during low tide and 1.40 metres during high tide.
It was 1.45 metres yesterday when the tide was high

Kapit Disaster Management Committee on full alert

KAPIT: The Kapit Disaster Management Committee is now on full alert following the low level of the Rajang River and the current dry spell
On Tuesday, Kapit Resident Dahim Nadot chaired an emergency meeting attended by heads of government departments here.

“We’ve received all sorts of reports that have yet to be verified. Reports from below Belaga saying people can walk across the Rajang River and in upper Baleh,” said Dahim.

He explained that the low water level meant it was not possible to travel to the areas involved to verify the reports.

Kapit District Officer Simon Japut Tiok said the suspended express boat service between Pelagus and Belaga, due to the low river level, has adversely affected the mobility of the people, supply of school rations and medical supplies to the rural clinic.

“Our concern is the Nanga Merit sub-district. We’re very worried because we received reports the water is very smelly.

“As water transport has been suspended, we must look for alternative means of transport,” said Simon.

He added that a company has been requested to improve the access road from Pelagus to Nanga Merit as well as to construct an access road of around 3km to upper Pelagus to allow for the transportation of goods.

Another company has also been asked to help transport school rations.

Kapit Engineer Etin Langit @Abdul Malik Abdullah assured that the Kapit Water Treatment Plant was operating as usual.

“Even though there’s very low water at the water pump house opposite Seputin, there are six hoses and we can always connect the hoses to reach the water,” he said.

However, he still advised consumers to conserve water. At present, Kapit requires some 10 million litres of treated water a day. Kapit health officer Dr Ngian Hie Ung said the Health Department has put a helicopter on standby for medical evacuations, to assist rural folk who are unable to reach the nearest clinic where the river is impassable.

She also gave her assurance that there is sufficient medical supply for rural clinics and the Flying Doctor Service.

According to the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB), the water level recorded at the Kapit waterfront on Oct 13 was 6.7 metres above sea level.

This dropped to 2.9 metres at 8am on Oct 18 and by 5pm it had dropped to 1.85 metres. The normal water level is eight metres above sea level.

The Meteorological Department records show that 0.4 millimetres of rain fell in Kapit on Oct 17.
Intermittent rain is forecast over 10 per cent of Kapit on Saturday (Oct 23).


SARWAK : Bakun jana elektrik Jun 2011

EMPANGAN Bakun mampu menghasilkan kuasa elektrik 2,400 Megawatt

Empangan boleh mulakan operasi apabila air takungan cecah 195 meter

PROJEK empangan elektrik hidro Bakun di Sarawak akan menjana 300 megawatt (MW) bekalan elektrik pada Jun tahun depan susulan bermulanya proses takungan air untuk empangan itu semalam

Sarawak Hidro Sdn Bhd, dalam kenyataannya berkata, pihaknya berjaya menutup pintu empangan di terowong pecahan air pada jam 10.00 pagi semalam selepas ia memperoleh Sijil Takungan daripada Kementerian Kemudahan Awam Sarawak.

“Dengan bermulanya proses takungan air itu, banjir akan mengambil masa tujuh bulan mencecah paras operasi minimum 195 meter (daripada paras laut) untuk ujian basah turbin,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan semalam. Sarawak Hidro, anak syarikat milik penuh Kementerian Kewangan Diperbadankan, adalah pemaju Empangan Bakun yang akan menjana 2,400MW bekalan elektrik apabila kesemua lapan turbin beroperasi pada 2012.

Kawasan yang dibanjiri meliputi 69,500 hektar tanah, iaitu seluas saiz Singapura dan Empangan Bakun itu dijangka siap menjelang Disember ini. Projek itu terletak di Sungai Balui di lembangan Sungai Rajang, iaitu 37 kilometer ke hulu bandar Belaga.

Sarawak Hidro berkata, sepanjang proses penutupan pintu empangan di terowong pecahan air itu, aliran air ke hulu empangan itu akan dikekalkan menerusi satu mekanisma untuk melepaskan antara 150 meter dan 260 meter padu air bergantung kepada tahap di takungan air empangan itu. Langkah itu katanya, dikawal menerusi injap pelepasan bagi mengekalkan aliran minimum asas di sungai yang mana pengurangan tahap air di hulu dapat diperhatikan.

“Oleh kerana ia mengambil sedikit masa sebelum projek elektrik hidro Bakun boleh beroperasi pada tahap maksimum, pelepasan air limpahan secara biasa akan dilakukan bagi meningkatkan tahap air di bahagian hulu sungai bagi membantu pengangkutan air beroperasi di Sungai Rajang terutama di bahagian antara Kapit dan Belaga ketika musim kemarau,” katanya.

Sarawak Hidro berkata, kajian hidrologi di bahagian hulu sungai yang dilakukan di bawah Penilaian Mendalam Impak Alam Sekitar menunjukkan bahawa bakal terdapat pengurangan tahap air di Kapit masing-masing antara 0.25 meter hingga 2.6 meter ketika aliran tinggi dan perlahan.

Justeru katanya, menerusi kaedah dilaksanakan itu, sistem pengangkutan air di Kapit masih boleh digunakan bagi penumpang bot ekspres ketika musim kemarau, tetapi pergerakan di bahagian hilir Kapit ke Belaga tidak boleh digunakan kecuali bagi penumpang bot laju kecil.

“Pengangkutan sungai menggunakan bot ekspres dari Kapit ke hilir sungai yang ketika ini terganggu semasa musim kemarau akan boleh digunakan sepanjang tahun apabila projek empangan elektrik hidro Bakun ini beroperasi sepenuhnya menerusi air yang dilepaskan daripada limpahan empangan,” katanya.

BH 15/10/2010

14.10.2010 : Getah cecah RM11.90 sekilogram

Harga catat sejarah, pekebun kecil RISDA mampu peroleh RM3,000 sebulan

Peningkatan harga getah SMR 20 secara konsisten dengan mencatat paras tertinggi RM11.90 sekilogram pagi kelmarin membolehkan 380,000 pekebun kecil RISDA memperoleh pendapatan sehingga RM3,000 sebulan.

Pengerusi RISDA, Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik, berkata kenaikan itu juga dijangka menarik perhatian orang ramai menoreh getah secara sambilan untuk menambah pendapatan, walaupun kegiatan menoreh getah semakin kurang popular sekarang.

"Pada 2008, apabila harga getah RM10 sekilogram, ada kakitangan awam dan swasta sanggup mengambil cuti tahunan untuk menoreh getah dan ada yang bangun awal pagi menoreh dulu sebelum pergi kerja. Berita baik ini juga dapat menarik perhatian belia untuk menjadi penoreh getah moden yang berjaya memandangkan ketika ini pekebun kecil majoritinya berumur 55 tahun ke atas.

"Kenaikan harga getah dan pendapatan yang diperoleh pekebun kecil pada masa ini boleh menarik minat mereka daripada bekerja di pejabat," katanya selepas merasmikan Kelab Keusahawanan RISDA Pahang, di sini semalam.

Sementara itu, Rahim ketika dihubungi berkata setakat jam 5 petang semalam harga SMR 20 ditutup RM12.02 sekilogram, iaitu yang tertinggi dalam sejarah industri getah negara dan dijangka akan terus memberi manfaat kepada pekebun kecil. Katanya, berdasarkan harga semasa, pekebun kecil yang menjual getah sekerap mampu memperoleh 50 sen bagi setiap mangkuk susu getah yang dihasilkan dan memperoleh pendapatan sehingga RM170 sehari bagi setiap dua hektar kebun.

Pada tengah hari semalam, harga fizikal rasmi Lembaga Getah Malaysia untuk gred tayar SMR 20 mengukuh 31 sen kepada RM12.02 sekilogram, manakala susu getah pukal menambah 8.5 sen kepada RM7.74 sekilogram.

Harga penutup jualan tidak rasmi untuk gred tayar SMR 20 naik 27.5 sen kepada RM12.14 manakala susu getah pukal menokok 7.5 sen kepada RM7.78. Selain itu, Rahim meminta pekebun kecil sentiasa mengamalkan langkah berjimat-cermat memandangkan harga komoditi itu banyak dipengaruhi faktor ekonomi global.

Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata, pihaknya bercadang mewujudkan skim simpanan khas bagi pekebun kecil bagi membantu mereka untuk jangka masa panjang.

"Malah, ia bertujuan menggalakkan pekebun kecil berjinak-jinak dalam bidang perniagaan supaya tidak hanya bergantung kepada pendapatan menoreh getah," katanya.



Palm oil exports to hit RM65.2 bln this year

Malaysia’s palm oil exports are expected to reach RM65.2 billion this year from RM49.5 billion in 2009.

Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Tan Sri Bernard Dompok said the forecast was based on the growth in output and export volumes.

In the first nine months, palm oil production rose two per cent to 11.10 million tonnes while exports increased nearly 6 per cent to 10.94 million tonnes compared with the corresponding period last year.

The palm oil industry’s rapid advancement has contributed towards the country’s economic development and prosperity through growth in output and exports, supported by competitive market prices.

The government had allocated RM50 million through MPOB to encourage smallholders’ involvement in sustainable palm oil production.

BP 12/10/10

Still at 80s mind : The granny authoress salute

Yong putting her signature on one of her books.

Eight is enough although 10 will be perfect, says 80-plus Angela Yong who could have gone on to write more books but for a fall she suffered recently.
AT 84, and way beyond her retirement age, Angela Yong Mee King could have taken life easy and spent time with her grandchildren.

Instead, the indomitable octogenarian chose to write books and it was this passion that had earned her the record as one the oldest female authors in the country.

In all, she has written eight story books, including one in Mandarin titled One Thing Good But Not Both and another in English called 160 Foochow Proverbs and Idioms (solely on Foochow proverbs). Some of the idioms are still commonly used.

The rest of her books are Through The Back Door (her first published in 1997); Different Lives, Different Fates; Green Beans and Talking Babies; Sarawak Rojak, 888 — All the Way Prosper and Inai Maram

These books carry the Rejang flavours of yesteryear and all are true stories that she either heard of or encountered when she was young.

Her direct writing style from the ordinary citizen’s perspective also paints a convincing picture of the period covered by her narratives.

For instance, Through the Back Door told of the time she migrated here from China in the 1920s. She retraced the events in her life with a keen sense of irony and humour.

This book is more than an autobiography as it chronicles a time in Sarawak history through the eye of the man in the street. It depicts the struggles of the common men and women, their courage and hardships — from clearing the jungles in the early years to facing the horrors of the Japanese Occupation.

Inai Maram is her latest work — a title she chose as a tribute to the people of Kanowit who called her by that name in the early 60s.

Inai, according to Yong, means mother in Iban while Maram is a type of citrus fruit. And because the people have a deep respect for her, they nickname her Inai Maram.

She has actually dreamt of producing 10 books but a fall two months ago put paid to that. She now has to stop writing altogether.

“There is no way for me to continue. The terrible fall had not only impeded my movement but also severely affected my health,” she told thesundaypost.

Yong said Inai Maram would be her last book due to her health and old age.

“Eight is enough although 10 will be perfect. But as far as my health is concerned, that’s about it. I’m not going to write anymore books.”

Recalling the accident, she said she was walking towards the back patio of her kitchen to turn off the tap when she slipped.

“It was about midnight — I heard the sound of dripping water and since it was late, I didn’t bother calling my daughter. As I was walking towards the back, I slipped. Luckily, I managed to grab hold of a big container nearby to cushion the fall.”

Since then, she said her health had deteriorated and she could no longer concentrate on her writing.

“Initially, the fall only affected my movement. Now, my hearing is worsening and my vision also getting blurry.”

Even though her heart is willing, Yong admits her concentration power is dwindling.
Born in 1926 in Nanping, China, she arrived in Sibu with her family including two siblings, when she was barely one year old.

Two years later, her rubber-tapper father died of tuberculosis and she together with her siblings, were given to the late Mother Alphonsus for adoption.

Mother Alphonsus was head of Sacred Heart Convent Mission School (now SMK St Elizabeth School) and under her care and guidance, Yong grew up to be both educated and humble.

Those were the difficult years. Yong recalled she would occasionally follow one of the Sisters to the town to buy rations. Along the way, she would stop at shops and recite all the English words in the pictures hanging on the wall — and if she made a mistake, the Sister would correct her.

“Once, when I told the Sister it was 11 o’clock and the half, she corrected me and said it was half past 11.”

One time, she was bitten by a mosquito but did not know how to describe the effect, so the Sister taught her it was called ‘itchy’.

Gradually through constant reading, she acquired a good command of English.
Yong only studied up to Standard Five at Sacred Heart Convent Mission School. She landed a teaching job at St Francis Xavier Primary School, Kanowit, when she was about 20.
One of her students was former Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Tan Sri Leo Moggie.

In a preface on one of her books, Moggie described her as a responsible teacher who would go to great length to ensure the success of her pupils.

“It’s very easy to take for granted many of the things we enjoy today. By reading her little books, one feels a sense of gratitude for not having to go through the hard times, especially the Japanese Occupation.”

Moggie pointed out that the Japanese Occupation was something people of his generation and those younger had no direct experience of although they did hear about the difficult times.
He also commended the Catholic Mission for providing education and basic medical facilities to needy even up to the late 1950s.

Yong who grew up in Kanowit, married James Hii Mee Chiong and they had 13 children — eight daughters and five sons, all born in Kanowit.

Yong’s interests in writing story books came quite by coincidence when she was about 70. She was reading a story on the history of Nyonya by an author-friend when she suddenly felt like writing a book.

“I was thinking since my friend could write a book, so could I.”

Encouraged by children, she decided to give it a try and within months, came up with her first book Through The Back Door.

“There wasn’t much fanfare when my first book was launched. But somehow, it spurred me to write more.”

At first, it was challenging as she had to ask her children for advice and to help with the translation.

She also had to learn the art of writing simple English.

Yong said she drew inspiration from Father Muhren of the Roman Catholic Church.
“Father Muhren often told me to write my little stories using simple English — he said not all readers liked flowery English. That was the best advice.”
BP 10/10/10

Junga — a brave soldier forgotten

ONLY PRIDE: Junga Kassim showing the Bentara Angkatan Tentera (BAT) medal, the only medal received throughout his 21 years of service in the military

The Ex-Servicemen Association Sarawak Branch was shocked and could not believe that an ailing ex-soldier who was almost killed in the battlefield while serving the country was left to suffer all by himself without anyone coming to his aid.

The association’s treasurer-general Capt (Rtd) Mohd Handeri Hashim said that it was very strange and it should not happen when the government had repeatedly announced that the welfare of ex-servicemen who had sacrificed their own lives to defend the country would be well taken care of.

“The policy of the government in giving special attention to less fortunate former soldiers and not giving any help to an ailing ex-serviceman who almost got killed in an operation is something unbelievable. I can’t believe that and I will personally look into the matter,” Handeri said yesterday.

He told The Borneo Post this at the presentation of minor rural project (MRP) grants from the Ministry of Social Development and Urbanisation to various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) where the association was among the recipients.

Handeri was commenting on the case of Junga Kassim, 56, who could hardly walk for the past two years following the recurrence of an injury on his left leg sustained during an ambush by the communists in Gubir, Perak on April 7, 1975.

Met at his residence recently, Junga said he was supposed to be admitted to the Sarawak General Hospital today (Tuesday) and undergo a second operation tomorrow.

According to him, the injury returned after he was forced to work extra hard in the paddy fields besides gardening after his retirement in 1994 so as to support his three school-going children.
Junga said he had no other choice but to struggle to make ends meet as his monthly pension of RM320 and RM107 from the medical board was too little to survive on.

He had written to the Veterans Affairs Department (JHEV) for help, including applying for a study incentive for his eldest son when he achieved 4As in his SPM but all were rejected.

After his pleas to the department were not entertained, Junga was forced to work hard to earn a living until he could not move because of the pain in his left leg.

The Borneo Post had a one-to-one interview with Junga recently on the April 7, 1975 Perak incident where he recounted that seven soldiers were killed and 10 wounded, including him.
Thrown into a ravine by a bomb explosion, Junga ended up pinned under the bodies of two fellow soldiers, one barely alive with his intestines dangling down to the ground and the other dead and bleeding.

Junga’s one fateful day in the army will be published in the next issue of thesundaypost on Oct 17

BP 13/10/10

World’s tiniest frog found in Matang, Kuching, Sarawak

DWARF SPECIES: Measuring between 10.6 and 12.8mm, the Microhyla nepenthicola is the smallest frog in the world.— Photos courtesy of Dr Indraniel Das, Unimas

FOR any city-slicker, the noise of the jungle is just that — noise. To herpetologist Dr Indraneil Das, each sound is as unique as its owner.
It’s this extensive knowledge of frog-calls that brought him and his co-discoverer Dr Alexander Haas face to face with what has been hailed around the world as the tiniest frog ever found — the Microhyla nepenthicola.

Much like the small Whoville community in Dr Seuss, the M. nepenthicola calls the simple Nepenthes Ampullaria pitcher plant home — which is where part of its name derives from.
It feeds on the leaf litter collected in the pitcher, lays its eggs, hatches and completes its life cycle there.

Its unique call was what attracted Dr Das and Dr Haas when they went to Kubah National Park in Matang, on Sept 4, 2004 on a field trip with his students.

“I’d never heard that call before. At first, I thought it was a different frog entirely,” Dr Das told thesundaypost.

Where scientists had previously mistaken the call for that of a juvenile, the fact that it was making ‘advertisement’ calls, told Dr Das this was an adult.

“Only adult males make mating calls. Of course, there are other kinds of calls to mark their territory or distress calls to alert other frogs of a predator nearby.”

This kind of call, according to Dr Das, shows that some species of frogs are capable of altruistic behavior.

“Even if they may die, at least, they save other frogs in the area.”

It takes about 10 days for the tadpoles to morph into adults. Even though they can be seen with the naked eye, they only measure 3-31/2 mm and bury themselves in the sediments at the bottom of the pitcher to hide from predators.

When they’re adults, they measure between a diminutive 10.6 to 12.8 mm, hardly bigger than a teardrop. But what they lack in size, they make up for in volume.

Adult males have a harsh rasping call that can be heard as early as dusk all year around, except on the driest of nights. And much like its call, it has a huge jump which makes it all the harder to catch.

“We had to make several trips. Since it has cryptic camouflage, it was almost invisible to spot where it landed,” Dr Das said.

So he and Dr Haas worked with what they had in hand. Laying diapers in a patch around the pitcher plants, they disturbed the nearby foliage and flushed the frogs onto it, catching several of them.

While the microhylid may be newly discovered, it’s not in danger of extinction yet. Nepenthes Ampullaria grow profusely in Bornean heath or Kerangas forests where the soil is moist.
“You can probably find the Ampullaria along slopes or patchy and dense forest edges where there is nutrient-poor soil,” Dr Das explained.

Between studying its habitat and growth pattern, and comparing it with other species, including a 100-year-old specimen collected previously, it may have taken a number of years for co-discoverers Dr Das and Dr Haas to verify that it is a unique species but the rest of the world has fallen in love with it overnight. It has certainly put Borneo on the map. The first three days after they announced their discovery to the world, Dr Das’ phone was ringing off the hook. So much so he had to turn it off.

“I have also been receiving a lot of crazy emails, one of which was from a guy who hates automobiles,” he said, explaining that since his research was supported by the Volkswagen Foundation, a lot of people mistook the Foundation for the car manufacturer.

Despite its name, the Volkswagen Foundation is a non-profit organisation that funds projects from all disciplines.

“When it comes to ‘fans’, you can never predict what’s going to happen,” he added.
After the discovery of the tiniest ‘Old World Frog’, Dr Das isn’t sitting on his laurels. His ongoing project is Conservation International’s ‘Search for Lost Frogs’ expedition which spans 20 countries over five continents.

Over the years, a number of environmental factors, including loss of habitat, climate change and illness have caused some frog species to decline or go extinct, making the expedition all the more crucial. Dr Das is now with the Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation at the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) while Dr Haas is with the Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum in Hamburg.
BP 13/10/10

AirAsia named Best Asian Low-Cost Carrier

AirAsia has been named the Best Asian Low-Cost Carrier by TTG, Asia-Pacific’s leading travel news publisher.

AirAsia was unanimously named for the award by the readers of TTG Asia, TTG China, TTGmice, TTG-BTmice China and ttgasia eDaily who cast 48,000 votes in a poll held from June to August.

“The award reflects the airlines’ popularity among travel trade insiders and travelling public,” it said in a statement yesterday.

The award was received by AirAsia chairman Datuk Aziz Bakar at the 21st Annual TTG Travel Awards 2010 ceremony and gala dinner in Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld in Bangkok.

BP 13/10/10

Debris in river push water treatment up 119 pct

Sibu Water Board (SWB) forked out an additional RM19,000 (119 per cent increase) on water treatment as a result of the debris and muddy water in the river.

Its general manager Daniel Wong said yesterday the bulk of the expenses went towards chemicals to treat the water as well as electricity for operating the plants from Oct 8 to 10.
Wong said during those three days, the nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU) of river water exceeded 3,000.

He revealed that the phenomenon had caused them to drain out or sludge some 17.4 million litres of waste water during the three days as it was not up to the safety mark for drinking.
“From Oct 8 to 10, the cost incurred by treatment plants at Bukit Lima and Salim surged to RM31,910 from the normal RM14,572.

“On average, we are talking about forking out an additional RM6,000 a day (for the three days affected by debris),” Wong told The Borneo Post when asked the cost incurred.
“So you see, the cost has more than doubled,” he added.

The additional cost incurred during this period for the Salim treatment plant was RM12,493 while that of Bukit Lima was RM4,846.

Meanwhile, chemist Ngang Chung Sui said water treatment is a continuous process.
It takes about four hours to treat raw water before it is safe for drinking.

Ngang said the treatment period was also subject to the flow rate of water.
Last Friday, debris stretching for 30km hit Sibu after causing havoc in Kapit a day earlier. It caused disruptions to river transport including ferry services.

BP 13/10/2010


Pentingnya orang muda kenali sejarah

Dengan angka yang meningkat kepada lebih kurang 7 juta golongan muda yang akan mengundi dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) ke-13 kelak maka sudah tentu faktor kemenangan parti-parti yang bertanding sangat bergantung kepada golongan ini.

Tetapi sesetengah golongan ini sehingga kini masih tidak mengerti atau memahami tentang betapa pentingnya kuasa politik dalam kehidupan mereka. Ini kerana golongan ini mempunyai pandangan yang tersendiri berhubung dengan erti politik.

Bagi mereka umumnya, politik itu sesuatu yang busuk dan tidak harus bagi golongan seperti mereka terlibat sama kerana sudah merasa selesa dengan keadaan semasa hinggakan mereka lupa untuk menoleh ke belakang tentang asas-asas yang telah membawa kepada kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu hingga ke hari ini.

Golongan ini terlalu dimomokkan dengan cerita-cerita yang tidak pernah membawa pengertian yang mendalam kepada mereka kerana kegagalan mereka untuk mengenali sejarah yang begitu penting dalam asas sesebuah negara.

Apa lagi dengan teknologi canggih yang ada dari semasa ke semasa telah merubah persepsi golongan ini terhadap perjuangan pejuang-pejuang kebangsaan dan menganggap seolah-olah para pejuang ini tidak pernah wujud serta penting dalam kehidupan hari kini, sedangkan hakikatnya terlalu penting pada mereka demi untuk kebaikan mereka pada masa hadapan.

Kejahilan golongan ini terhadap memahami sejarah telah membawa mereka kepada hidup tanpa asas sempadan yang mengakibatkan kekeliruan yang amat besar. Apatah lagi kepada generasi yang dulunya daripada bangsa yang datang untuk mencari ekonomi di negara ini.

Hasilnya kita dapati generasi muda ini tidak lagi menghormati prinsip kerukunan dan Perlembagaan yang telah diguna pakai semenjak penubuhan sebuah negara yang merdeka.

Bahkan mereka melaung-laungkan api kebencian kepada bangsa tuan tanah ini yang cuba mempertahankan hak-hak mereka agar tidak terlepas pandang mahupun tertanam sebegitu sahaja setelah pengorbanan yang memeritkan dilalui oleh tuan tanah ini demi mendapatkan sebuah negara yang merdeka.

Generasi Melayu juga banyak yang tidak memahami sejarah apatah lagi untuk mengenali para pejuang bangsa kerana kealpaan mereka untuk mengejar kehidupan yang semakin hari semakin pantas hasil daripada pertumbuhan ekonomi sejagat yang tidak lagi mementingkan sebuah kehidupan yang berlandaskan kepada faktor-faktor terhormat.

Generasi ini dengan begitu mudah melupakan asal usul dan sebahagian mereka sanggup untuk bersekongkol bersama-sama dengan mereka yang boleh dianggap sebagai pengkhianat negara.

Mereka 'termakan' segala janji palsu yang sehingga kini masih lagi gagal dikotakan bahkan semakin buruk terjadi apabila perjuangan mereka yang boleh dianggap pengkhianat ini terbantut di tengah-tengah jalan sehinggakan menghadirkan kekacauan dalam negara.

Sesuatu yang pantas perlu dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan khususnya daripada pihak yang berwajib untuk menjadikan generasi muda agar lebih memahami betapa pentingnya mengenali sejarah tanah air. Ini kerana mereka yang akan mewariskan sejarah ini kepada generasi baru tanpa ada sedikit pun kehilangan dari segi fakta dan peristiwa.

Hakikat pahit kadang kala harus dirungkaikan agar lipatan sejarah ini akan terus kekal dan dihayati oleh generasi muda agar mereka tidak hanyut dan lupa tentang sejarah.

Petikan : Recana, BH12/10/10


1:4 penduduk Malaysia hadapi risiko kemurungan

Ramai pesakit gagal dikesan kerana disembunyikan keluarga

Nisbah satu daripada empat penduduk di negara ini dikatakan berisiko mendapat penyakit kemurungan tetapi gagal dikesan berikutan keluarga merahsiakannya kerana bimbang diskriminasi masyarakat.

Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Rosnah Shirlin Abdul Rashid, berkata syarikat insurans di Malaysia juga mendiskriminasi pesakit dengan tidak melindungi mereka dalam polisi insurans perubatan.

Berdasarkan kajian Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia pada 2003, penyakit mental terutama kemurungan dijangka menjadi penyakit kedua terbesar menjelang 2020.“Gangguan mental akan menjejaskan penghasilan produktiviti dan kualiti hidup individu.

“Di Amerika Syarikat (AS), Mental Health Insurance Parity Law sudah diluluskan dua tahun lalu dan menjadi mandatori kepada semua syarikat insurans untuk menawarkan perlindungan penyakit mental. “Justeru, kita berharap isu mental juga dibincangkan secara terbuka tanpa rasa takut, malu dan prejudis,” katanya pada sidang media selepas melancarkan kempen Minda Big Walk 2010 di sini, semalam.

Hadir sama, Presiden Persatuan Kesihatan Mental Malaysia, Datin Dr Ang Kim Teng dan Ahli Penasihat Kesihatan Mental yang juga Ahli Majlis Penasihat Promosi Kesihatan Mental, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye.Seramai lebih 2,500 pelajar dari tujuh kolej sekitar ibu kota mengikuti acara yang bertujuan meningkatkan kesedaran orang awam terhadap kesihatan mental sempena sambutan Hari Kesihatan Mental Sedunia.

Sementara itu, Rosnah berkata, penganjuran acara yang sama turut berlangsung serentak di sembilan negeri yang bernaung di bawah MINDA seperti Perlis, Penang, Perak, Johor dan Miri, Sarawak.

Sehubungan itu, beliau menggesa seluruh rakyat mendalami ilmu kesihatan mental bagi membantu diri sendiri dan orang tersayang.

“Penyakit mental seperti penyakit kronik yang lain, cuma ia membabitkan gangguan atau ketidakseimbangan fungsi otak,” katanya.

“Jadi, kita tidak harus malu dan melayan pesakit dengan bermaruah seperti individu lain,” katanya.



Transport at standstill as debris clog rivers

Riverine transport here came to a standstill yesterday as a massive amount of dead wood, sawn timber and other debris clogged the Baleh and Rajang rivers from 7am.

Locals called the phenomenon ‘bah tuggal’, which happened after parts of the riverbank is believed to have collapsed, causing havoc among local residents dependent on the river for transport.

As news spread, local residents flocked to the waterfront to see the phenomenon for themselves.

At the Kapit-Sibu Express Terminal, those waiting to pick up relatives and friends from Sibu were speaking anxiously on their phones as no express boats could get through.

Retiree Wasli Nor said a possible explanation could be riverbank erosion in Baleh, which was a logging hub.

“There were massive deposits of dead wood, gravel, and sand,caused by soil and riverbank erosion. Heavy rain may have caused a sudden surge in water level and the deposits collapsed and washed down river,” he said.

Kapit District Council acting secretary Kelimbit Sibat cautioned those dependent on water transport to exercise extreme care, and especially look out for submerged deadwood.

Sergeant Getah Untam, from the Kapit police, said by 3pm the floating debris had reached Sungai Ensilai and was likely to have reached Song by last night.

“Early Friday morning the debris would probably arrive in Sibu. Boat operators should be very careful,” he warned.

Meanwhile, YH Wong said the phenomenon was probably the first sign of more problems to come.

“The water would probably flood Kapit by midnight (today). People should stay vigilant and on guard to get ready for evacuation in case of emergency to higher ground,” he advised.

A local Iban, who wished to remain anonymous, said the rare occurrence was a bad omen.

“It has never occurred over the past 50 years that such a large amount of debris flowed down to completely cover the river, blocking any navigable passage,” he said.

An elderly Chinese man agreed with him, saying this could be the first signal of ‘the end of the world’.

“Because of human destruction to nature. So Mother Nature wants to punish the greed of human activities,” said the man who also requested anonymity.



Dahulu daripada sebatang sungai yang dipenuhi lumpur dan kelodak, dicemari sampah sarap dan bangkai terapung, Sungai Melaka kini sudah berubah wajah sebagai sungai yang bersih dan indah.

Tidak lengkap jika berkunjung ke Melaka jika tidak menyusuri sungai Melaka dengan menaiki bot bagi menyaksikan keindahan dan kebersihan serta lukisan mural yang menghiasi dinding bangunan di sekitar tebing sungai Melaka.

Sedikit masa nanti pengunjung berpeluang menaiki pengangkutan monorel melibatkan landasan sepanjang 1.6 km bagi melihat pemandangan dari atas sekitar sungai Melaka.


MIC : Goodbye, Samy

After more than 30 years – and 11 consecutive terms at the helm of the MIC – Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu will step down in January next year and hand over the presidency to his deputy Datuk G. Palanivel.

The colourful politician made the surprise announcement at the party’s central working committee meeting here yesterday, taking many of the members aback.

Samy Vellu, 74, who said he did not want to wait till the end of his term on March 8, 2012, said his departure from the top party post would mark a renewal for the leadership.

The Star 1/10/10


High-tech war on cybercrime

Police from the cybercrime unit will be equipped with the latest high-tech gadgets to effectively combat online offences.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said this was necessary, especially in the wake of recent postings on social networking sites such as Facebook and YouTube.

He said combating cybercrime would be a priority as police realised that the force had to adapt to an era where information travelled at rapid speed and was circulated locally as well as globally.

“We will come up with a new mechanism and procedures to deal with cases involving the Internet, especially on Facebook,” he told reporters after his inaugural visit to the Johor police headquarters here yesterday.

“We are especially concerned with news or information on the Internet that can disrupt racial relations and the country’s harmony.”

He was responding to a video on YouTube where a preacher in Kuching, Sarawak, allegedly insulted Islam.

Ismail said the police would cooperate with other agencies such as the MCMC to get to the bottom of the matter.

On Tuesday, pro tem president of the Muslim Bloggers Association Zainol Abideen drew attention to the video clip of a “priest” delivering a talk at a church in Kuching and allegedly insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad.

“If there is an element where the police can act, then we will take action against the culprit,” Ismail said.

“The matter could be investigated under the Sedition Act.” Every­­­one needed to be mindful of the impact their statements could have, he added.

On another matter, Ismail said the police would act on unsolved cases if full cooperation was given by the complainant or victims of crimes.

“We will act on old cases if new evidence or leads are discovered,” he said.

“We urge the public who want the police to act on old cases to come forward and give us their full cooperation.”

He also wanted people to go straight to the police if they had any grievances and not highlight the matter in the media.

The Star Online 29/09/10


Watch Your Email - A curse on junk mail

THE invention of electronic mail has brought great benefits to mankind, as it ensures instantaneous communication through the Internet, at the touch of a button. We can stay connected with the rest of the world at all times.But with the convenience of instant communication, we have to put up with the pain of receiving an enormous amount of unwanted messages from the rest of the cyber-universe. One of the things that irks me most, in this new age of the electronic media, is the ugly phenomenon of the tons of junk emails that assault our electronic mail boxes every day.

These emails all promise millions in income from anonymous sources. All I have to do is supply them with my banking details and presto – astronomical sums of money will be deposited into my account, without my having to work for it. Naturally there is a catch to the promise of wealth: we have to put up a sum of money first, and deposit it into the sender’s anonymous account.

I am sure you receive this kind of email daily, as I do. There are never major variations and a sample of this con email will read like this:

“Dear Friend, I am a (Banker) Assistant Directeur General Adjunct at the Foreign Remittance Department in BANQUE COMMERCIALE DU BURKINA (BCB), Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso. During my secretarial/auditing services in the bank, I discovered a deceased (Lateman) dormant account figure sum of SEVEN MILLION, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS (US$7,200,000). Millions only belonging to a late foreigner who died since the year 2000 ago. Upon the receipt of this finding/discovering, I found out that the account owner (late Mr Kurt Kahle) died among those involved in the 2000 plane crash event as the website record reads as follow: (”

I know of a gullible person from Sarawak who was almost attracted by this promise of instant and undeserved wealth. He was positively livid with rage when I suggested to him this was part of a con game. I can only imagine the large number of people throughout the world who are so ignorant as to succumb to this, the simplest con game in the world.

The anonymity afforded by email must be irresistible for Internet users to attempt fraud. The other type of fraudulent email may even be sent to you in the name of somebody you know quite well. The message tells of sudden misfortune from a friend who requires immediate remittance of funds, usually in the region of a few thousand US dollars or euros. This type of email, usually tells of a traveller in distress in some foreign country, such as Spain, and our traveller has the misfortune of having had his passport, wallet, money and all his identification documents stolen.

This is not sent by a friend. This bogus email must have been sent by somebody who has been able to trace my email address. The best way to treat these imposters is to ignore them. A counter check with the real friend will immediately expose the vacuous plea for help by this so-called friend.

Another form of Internet abuse is the use of the cyber media to propagate negative messages of hate and distrust. In Malaysia’s highly charged political atmosphere, the Internet offers a quick conduit for the spread of negative news and hate mail, without proof. This type of hate email is usually ethnic or religious in nature.

The rule of ethics in journalism is largely ignored on the Internet. Frankly, I think there is way too much freedom in the cyber-sphere and there is too much confusion as to the authenticity of the sea of information that goes through the Internet.

Generally, Internet users just do not bother to practise the journalistic technique of double checking the source and facts. When used unmonitored and unchecked, the Internet resembles a garbage dump.

When using the Internet, I have a few rules of thumb. I will not open an email from any person I do not know at all. In fact, opening that unknown email may allow a vicious virus to infect my machine. I delete in bulk daily senders and useless emails without the slightest hesitation.

The wonderful thing about email is the freedom of expression. You can say anything you like without anybody being able to censor your speech. But like in other spheres of human activities, this freedom tends to be abused by humankind, ending up with the anarchy that we now have on the Internet.

That we humans are not worthy of our freedom of thought and speech is a long known fact. The great philosopher, Plato, has taught us this in his dialogue, the Republic, through the tale of the Ring of Gyges.

In that myth, Plato observed that whenever the wrongdoer of an unkind act is not liable to be caught because of his invisibility, he is more likely to use his magical power to commit crime. Frankly put, when people know that they are not going to be brought to justice, they are more likely to bring harm to their neighbours. The anonymity given by the Internet is a reason why its abuse is rampant.

The widespread abuse of freedom on the Internet is a reason why we should forever be watchful, when surfing the net. As one great man used to say, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The next time you go on the Internet do be careful, and exercise due caution.

Bp 23/09/2010

(The author can be reached at All comments are welcomed.)


Tuntutan Penan ditunai

Sembilan perkampungan Penan di Ulu Baram yang pernah mengadakan sekatan jalan balak bagi menuntut Tanah Hak Adat Bumiputera (NCR) tahun lalu kini boleh menarik nafas lega berikutan komitmen kerajaan untuk menunaikan permintaan itu.

Pada September tahun lalu, kaum Penan dari perkampungan tersebut mengadakan tiga sekatan jalan balak di Simpang Empat, Long Belok dan Long Bangan menyebabkan aktiviti pembalakan lumpuh selama 10 hari.

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Telang Usan, Lihan Jok berkata, kini genap setahun peristiwa itu berlalu, kerajaan sedang melakukan yang terbaik untuk menunaikan permintaan mereka termasuk memberi tanah seperti kaum Bumiputera lain di negeri ini.

“Pada masa ini, kita sedang memberi taklimat dari kampung ke kampung di kawasan Telang Usan mengenai kerja menyukat dan mengukur tanah NCR sebelum ia dapat diberikan kepada pemilik secara sah (dengan geran tanah).

“Kita mahu kaum Penan sedar bahawa kerajaan tidak pernah mengabaikan atau lupa akan janji untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini dengan saksama. Justeru kita bertemu dengan mereka dan menjelaskan mengenai kerja penyukatan NCR,” katanya kepada Utusan Borneo, selepas mengadakan taklimat mengenai penyukatan NCR di Long Belok pada Sabtu lalu.

Lihan memberitahu, melalui penyukatan NCR ini, ia memastikan kaum Penan di Telang Usan akan memiliki tanah dan dapat membangunkannya untuk meningkatkan sosioekonomi mereka.
Katanya, usaha ini membuktikan komitmen dan kesungguhan kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan untuk memastikan tiada kaum peribumi di negeri ini terpinggir daripada menikmati pembangunan.

“Selepas taklimat ini, kita berharap Penan di sini dapat mengenal pasti tanah milik mereka. Untuk memudahkan proses, mereka boleh mendapatkan rujukan daripada kaum lain yang tinggal berhampiran seperti kaum Kayan di Long Bedian,” katanya.

Selain Long Belok, Lihan yang diiringi beberapa pegawai polis turut mengadakan taklimat yang sama di Long Nen.

Dalam pada itu, penduduk Penan di situ melahirkan perasaan teruja dengan langkah kerajaan menyukat tanah NCR dan menyifatkan ia satu lagi dimensi baru dalam mengubah masa depan mereka.

Mengenai permintaan kaum Penan di Long Belok dan Long Nen di Simpang Empat yang memohon sebuah tadika di kawasan rumah panjang, Lihan beri jaminan akan membawa perkara itu kepada pihak berkaitan di peringkat negeri dan pusat.


Rakyat kena jelas idea 1Malaysia

Pemahaman menyeluruh pastikan proses transformasi benar-benar berjaya: PM

Datuk Seri Najib Razak mahu rakyat mempunyai pandangan yang jelas dan menyeluruh terhadap gagasan 1Malaysia supaya mereka dapat turut serta menjayakan transformasi Malaysia.

Perdana Menteri berkata, ini kerana dalam gagasan 1Malaysia beliau memutuskan untuk memastikan seluruh rakyat menjadi sebahagian daripada proses transformasi Malaysia besar-besaran.

Ia bagi memastikan pada akhir perjalanan proses itu, kita menjadi negara progresif, dinamik dan benar-benar berjaya pada abad ke-21 bernama Malaysia menerusi pembabitan seluruh rakyat, katanya pada majlis makan tengah hari Komuniti Malayali 1Malaysia anjuran Persatuan Malayali Malaysia Bersatu (AMMA) di sini, semalam. Hadir sama, Presiden MIC, Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu; Pesuruhjaya Tinggi India di Malaysia, Vijay K Gokhale dan Presiden AMMA, Tan Sri Ravindran Menon.

Najib berkata, pelbagai usaha dilakukan kerajaan untuk menjayakan transformasi Malaysia seperti mewujudkan Rancangan Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP), Rancangan Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP) dan Model Baru Ekonomi (MBE).

Namun katanya, semua rancangan hebat kerajaan itu akan menjadi sia-sia jika tiada idea yang menyeluruh diterima kerajaan daripada pelbagai komuniti di negara ini.

Perdana Menteri berkata, segala kekuatan, kemahiran, sumbangan, pengetahuan dan idea yang dimiliki setiap komuniti di negara ini perlu dikenal pasti serta diperkasa dalam semangat 1Malaysia bagi membolehkan negara mencapai proses berkenaan.
Saya mahu melihat Malaysia dan rakyatnya mempunyai hak serta tempat di negara ini bagi membolehkan segala kekuatan, kemampuan dan keupayaan rakyat dijana untuk menjayakan transformasi Malaysia, katanya.

Najib berkata, dalam melaksanakan transformasi Malaysia, kerajaan perlu memastikan setiap dasarnya bersifat menyeluruh, memberi manfaat dan keuntungan kepada seluruh rakyatnya.

Maka, kita memerlukan sistem yang adil. Kita perlu memastikan setiap rakyat menyedari bakat dan potensi mereka. Kita sebenarnya bersifat menyeluruh dan dalam konteks 1Malaysia, kita mampu mengangkatnya ke tahap lebih strategik, katanya

Potong gaji bayar PTPTN

Usaha pastikan pinjam dijelas secara konsisten mulai Jun depan

Semua peminjam Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) diwajibkan membuat bayaran pinjaman menerusi potongan gaji mulai Jun tahun depan, kata Pengerusinya, Datuk Ismail Mohd Said.Beliau berkata, ia usaha terbaru perbadanan berkenaan bagi memastikan peminjam membayar balik pinjaman secara konsisten pada masa depan.

Kita akan memperhalusi perkara ini pada mesyuarat ahli lembaga hujung bulan ini, termasuk aspek teknikal dan pindaan Akta PTPTN 1997 yang akan dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat selewat-lewatnya awal tahun depan.

Kita juga akan menunggu keputusan kerajaan berhubung gaji minimum yang akan ditetapkan kepada peminjam sebelum potongan gaji dilakukan, katanya kepada media pada Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri Parlimen Kuala Krau dan UMNO bahagian itu, di sini, semalam.

Hadir sama Pemangku Ketua Eksekutif PTPTN, Wan Ahmad Wan Yusuf.

Ismail yang baru dilantik jawatan itu pada 1 September lalu berkata, cadangan itu perlu memandangkan konsep pembayaran balik secara sukarela oleh peminjam sebelum ini gagal mencapai matlamatnya.

Malah, katanya, potongan gaji menerusi Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) secara sukarela juga kurang menggalakkan dan hanya menyumbangkan kira-kira 20 peratus daripada jumlah pembayaran balik daripada peminjam.

Beliau berkata, sehingga Julai lalu, bayaran balik yang diperoleh PTPTN daripada RM23 bilion yang diperuntukkan sejak 1997 ialah RM1.8 bilion berbanding RM3.6 bilion sepatutnya diterima.

Dalam tempoh sama, hanya 600,000 peminjam membayar balik daripada 1.6 juta peminjam PTPTN dan masih ramai peminjam yang kurang komitmen untuk membayar balik pinjaman masing-masing, katanya.

Compulsory salary deduction

The National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) will carry out compulsory salary deduction to recover loans from defaulters from June next year.

Its chairman, Datuk Ismail Mohamed Said, said that effective June next year, all PTPTN borrowers, especially the more than 46,000 defaulters, would be required to make their loan repayments through salary deduction to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB).

He said its implementation would involve amendments to the National Higher Education Fund Act 1997, adding that a proposal to amend the law would be tabled in Parliament next year.

“We will discuss the proposed amendments to the PTPTN Act at the end of the month with the IRB and the proposal will be tabled in Parliament in March next year,” he told reporters at a Aidifiltri gathering here yesterday.

He said the corporation would also wait for the government’s decision on the minimum salary requirement for the compulsory salary deduction on PTPTN borrowers.

Such a move had to be taken so as not to deprive others the opportunity to obtain PTPTN loans to further their studies, he added.

He said about 46,000 of the 1.6 million people who had obtained PTPTN loans had yet to make their repayments despite the facilities made available for them, like through salary deductions, at bank counters and through on-line payments.

Ismail said that since 1997 until July this year, PTPTN had given out loans totalling RM23 billion.

“As of last July, we should have collected RM3.6 billion in loan repayment, but the collection was only RM1.8 billion,” he added.

He said only 42 per cent or 600,000 of the 1.6 million PTPTN borrowers had repaid their loans so far. — Bernama

Compulsory salary deduction


Welcome to 'homestay without package' in sabah

The Beautiful view of Mt. Kinabalu at sunrise
Natural undisturb beach

Nowdays the 'homestay' programme is getting popular in Malaysia's local tourism industry including that in Sabah which is also known as 'Land Below The Wind'. Among the districts in Sabah that offers this programme is Kota Marudu where some 1,000 people from 12 ethnic groups are taking part in the homestay programme that began in 2008. Sabah National Unity and Integration Department (JPNIN) officer Jessica Basat said the homestay programme in Kota Marudu can be seen as a positive move to enhance relations between the guests and hosts. The guests who are Malaysians from the peninsula can also exchange cultures and traditions with their Sabah hosts. "This programme is on demand by the local community and it is unique as the programme is devoid of any packages as the activities are decided by the hosts and visitors. "We encourage the villagers to be involved in the homestay programme as Kota Marudu has the potential to be developed as a key tourist destination," she said. HOMESTAY WITHOUT PACKAGE The 'without package' homestay programme refers to activities that have no limits and the hosts as well as guests take part in drawing up the activities during the stay. These activities are suited to the guests needs and requests. What is important is the understanding and experience on the culture and socio-economy of the local community which is made up from people of various ethnic groups. This helps to preserve unity among the population. Via the integration visits organised by JPNIN, the homestay programme can act as the platform to enhance relations between the people of Sabah and those from nationwide. The homestay programme also creates positive impact by improving the economy of the rural community in Sabah. HOLIDAY PACKAGE IN SABAH Meanwhile, Sabah is well known for its rich natural treasures right from the state's mountains and down to its valleys. As well as the expanse of land between its lush forests to its off-shore attractions. Its life forms include insects as small as ants right until mammals as big as the Orang Utan and pygmy elephants. Apart from the homestay packages in Kota Marudu, visitors can also go to Kudat, located some 190 km from Kota Kinabalu. They can visit Tanjung Simpang Mengayau in Kudat which is known as the Tip of Borneo, the tip of land at the most extreme north in Sabah's map. It is located some 200 km from Kota Kinabalu and 30 minutes drive from Kota Marudu. Tanjung Simpang Mengayau is formed by a 'chain' of hills that headed towards Laut Sulu. It offers breathtaking scenes during dawn and dusk. In the language of the Rungus in Kudat, Tanjung Simpang Mengayau is called 'Tanjung Sampang Mangazo'. 'Tanjung' means cape, 'Sampang' means junction and 'Mangazo' means war. The three-hour drive from Kota Kinabalu to Tanjung Simpang Mengayau is definitely not boring as visitors can enjoy the enchanting and panoramic view of the coast at Pantai Kelambu and Pantai Kalampunian. Another interesting feature of Tanjong Simpang Mengayau is that this is the meeting point between South China Sea and Laut Sulu which at one time ago, was the key route for traders from China to reach this area onboard junks. It was learnt that many of these trading junks sank into the ocean and later became reefs that serve as the habitat and breeding ground for marine life. Indeed standing on the 'Tip of Borneo' is a lifetime's experience. SHOPPING HAVEN AT FILIPINO MARKET If one is in Sabah, then it would be a waste without visiting the handicraft market or more popularly dubbed as the Filipino Bazaar by locals and visitors alike. This bazaar is located at Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen adjacent to the Sinsuran Complex. It is a well known spot here and sells various handicrafts. It is also the best place if shoppers are looking for crystals, pearls and gemstones. The pearls came from the Philippines. Many of the traders at this market are from that country. Local handicraft items such keychains, T-shirts and wood carvings as well as items from other Asian countries are available at this bazaar. Also on offer are sarung batik, rattan mats, caligraphic creations and brooches. However pearls are the main items sought by tourists. According to a trader who wished to identified as Suzy, all the pearls on offer at the market are authentic. But the price depends on quality and type of pearls. "Freshwater pearls are sold at cheaper prices as they are cultured in freshwater in contrast to the salt water pearls who grow in the wild", said Suzy who sells various pearls sourced locally and also from Indonesia. According to traders, the market receives tourists from worldwide.


68 Tahun : Tiada keputusan naikkan umur pesaraan penjawat awam

Menteri Sumber Manusia, Datuk Dr. S. Subramaniam

berkata, cadangan Kesatuan Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (Cuepacs) agar umur pesaraan penjawat awam dinaikkan daripada 58 kepada 60 tahun telah dibincang pada peringkat tertinggi kementeriannya namun belum ada keputusan dibuat.

Ini kerana katanya, kajian terperinci perlu dilakukan memandangkan terdapat

kebaikan dan keburukan jika umur pesaraan dinaikkan lagi.

"Jika kita terus melanjutkkan tempoh perkhidmatan golongan berusia, generasi muda tidak akan dapat peluang bekerja," katanya.

Selain itu, beliau berkata, adalah sukar untuk kerajaan menaikkan umur pesaraan dan pada masa yang sama mengecilkan saiz sektor tersebut yang sehingga kini mempunyai sekitar 1.2 juta tenaga kerja.

- Bernama

Utusan Malaysia 18/09/10


Sarawak: 50 lokasi kemalangan

5,000 polis pantau jalan raya KUCHING: Sejumlah 50 kawasan dikenal pasti sebagai lokasi kerap berlaku kemalangan di negeri ini dengan tumpuan akan diberikan kepada kawasan berkenaan bagi memastikan kadar kemalangan dan kesesakan dapat diturunkan sepanjang tempoh Ops Sikap Ke-22 berlangsung.

Pesuruhjaya Polis Sarawak, Datuk Mohmad Salleh, berkata hampir 5,000 anggota polis di seluruh negeri akan terbabit dalam Ops Sikap bermula 3 hingga 17 September, membabitkan pelbagai penugasan seperti kawalan statik, rondaan di lokasi panas, kumpulan pemantau kesesakan dan kerjasama melalui Pasukan Tindak Balas Kecemasan.

Katanya, sasaran pihaknya pada tahun ini adalah penurunan lima peratus dari jumlah kadar kemalangan maut berbanding Ops Sikap terdahulu selain memastikan kelancaran trafik menjelang Aidilfitri.

"Berbeza di Semenanjung, Ops Sikap di Sarawak turut membabitkan Pasukan Gerakan Marin (PGM) yang akan memantau pergerakan bot ekspres yang menjadi pengangkutan utama di kalangan orang ramai ketika musim perayaan. "Selain itu kawalan dan pemantauan lebih rapi akan dibuat khususnya di kawasan lokasi kemalangan maut bagi memastikan pengguna jalan raya mematuhi semua peraturan yang telah ditetapkan," katanya ketika sidang media selepas melancarkan Ops Sikap Ke-22, di sini, kelmarin.

Antara laluan lokasi kemalangan maut adalah di Jalan Kuching-Sri Aman; Jalan Lundu-Bau; Jalan Sri Aman-Sarikei; Jalan Betong-Simpang Pusa; Jalan Mukah-Sibu; Jalan Pesisir Pantai Miri; Jalan Oya-Mukah; Jalan Bintulu-Tatau dan Jalan Beluru-Bakong. Mohmad berkata, selain memastikan kelancaran trafik, anggota polis yang terbabit terbabit dalam Ops Sikap juga bertanggungjawab melakukan penugasan pencegahan jenayah.

"Di Sarawak terdapat kira-kira 1.29 juta kenderaan dengan ia dianggap banyak berbanding dengan jumlah penduduk. Pertambahan jumlah kenderaan ini didapati tidak sejajar dengan pertambahan jaringan jalan raya.

"Disebabkan itu kadar kemalangan di negeri ini masih agak tinggi walaupun pelbagai usaha dan pendekatan mengurangkan kemalangan termasuk kehilangan nyawa telah dilakukan banyak agensi kerajaan," katanya. Beliau berkata, kesalahan yang kerap dilakukan pengguna jalan raya ialah memotong di barisan berkembar; melanggar lampu isyarat; memandu secara merbahaya; memotong barisan dan melebihi had laju.

"Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan Institut Penyelidikan Keselamatan Jalan Raya Malaysia (MIROS), 60 peratus punca kemalangan adalah disebabkan sikap pemandu yang cuai seperti mabuk atau mengantuk, manakala bakinya disebabkan faktor jalan serta yang lain,” katanya

BH 3.9.2010


Sarawak - Taib Mahmud : 'Saya sedia undur'

...terpulang kepada Perdana Menteri, parti tentu nasib saya

KUCHING: Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, yang sudah 43 tahun aktif dalam politik, termasuk 29 tahun menerajui kerajaan negeri, semalam menyatakan kesediaannya untuk berundur jika khidmatnya tidak diperlukan lagi.

Ramai yang mengatakan saya sudah tidak diperlukan lagi. Jika benar saya tidak diperlukan lagi, maka saya sedia berundur, katanya ketika ditanya apakah beliau akan bertanding lagi pada pilihan raya Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) akan datang, yang perlu diadakan sebelum Julai tahun depan. Abdul Taib yang ditemui selepas majlis penyampaian zakat dan biasiswa Amanah Rakyat Berhad (ARB) di pejabatnya di sini, bagaimanapun berkata, biarlah Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, menentukan nasibnya pada pilihan raya negeri ke-10 nanti.

"Saya sendiri tidak tahu nasib saya, terpulang kepada Perdana Menteri. Terpulang kepada parti menentukan sama ada saya akan bertanding atau tidak. Jika tidak diperlukan, saya akan berundur," katanya.

Terdahulu, Abdul Taib menerima zakat perniagaan sebanyak RM10,000 untuk diagihkan kepada anak yatim daripada Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan ARB, Datuk Ahmad Rodzi Pawanteh.

Abdul Taib turut menyampaikan biasiswa kepada tiga pelajar tajaan ARB ke program khas Pengajian Ulum Islamiah dan Bahasa Arab di Universiti Al-Azhar, Kaherah, dengan setiap pelajar menerima tajaan bernilai RM80,000. Tiga pelajar berkenaan ialah Mohammad Zubair Mustafa; Faliq Asraf Jafri dan Nadira Hamapei, ketiga-tiganya berusia 18 tahun.
Abdul Taib pertama kali mengangkat sumpah sebagai Ahli Parlimen di bawah Perdana Menteri pertama, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra pada 1967 ketika berusia 31 tahun dan selepas itu dilantik Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan dan Industri pada 1968.

Di bawah Perdana Menteri kedua, Tun Abdul Razak, beliau dilantik Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri pada September 1970. Pada 1972, beliau dilantik Menteri Sumber Asli dan selepas itu memegang pelbagai portfolio di bawah Tun Razak dan Tun Hussein Onn sehingga 1981. Beliau juga pernah dilantik Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan yang pertama pada 1980.

Abdul Taib mempertahankan kerusinya dalam pilihan raya umum 1969, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1995, 1999 dan 2004 termasuk beberapa kali menang tanpa bertanding sebelum memutuskan untuk tidak bertanding kerusi Parlimen pada 2008, dengan anaknya Datuk Seri Sulaiman Taib menggantikannya.

Pada 1981, beliau turut bertanding di kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sebandi bagi membolehkannya kembali ke Sarawak dan menjadi Ketua Menteri, menggantikan Tun Abdul Rahman Yaakub. Beliau juga mempertahankan kerusi DUN Sebandi pada 1983, 1987; kerusi DUN Asajaya (1991, 1996) dan DUN Balingian (2001 dan 2006).

Mengulas isu lain, Abdul Taib berkata, beliau tidak akan campur tangan dalam hal ehwal dalaman Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak (SUPP) yang pernah kalah teruk pada Pilihan Raya Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak 2006.

"Selama ini saya sudah banyak membantu SUPP, sama ada mereka mahu menerimanya atau tidak, ia perkara lain. Saya sudah memberikan analisis dan nasihat mengenai masalah mereka sebelum ini.

"Kini terpulang kepada mereka. Jika saya melakukan lebih dari itu, ada di kalangan pemimpin SUPP akan mengkritik saya kerana mencampuri hal ehwal dalaman parti itu," katanya sambil menambah SUPP sebenarnya lebih perlu membantu diri mereka sendiri, bukannya mengharapkan bantuan dari luar dalam memulihkan kekuatan parti berkenaan

Berita Harian 2010/08/25

‘Dredge the Rajang River now’

SIBU: The dredging of the Rajang River should be done now and not wait until the implementation of the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP).

A councillor from Sibu Municipal Council, Chieng Buong Toon, said yesterday this suggestion came from a member of the public.

Chieng concurred with the person that the dredging of the river was a matter of priority and there should not be any more waiting.

According to earlier newspaper reports, the federal government has set aside RM30 million under the 10MP for the dredging of the river.

Chieng said the person who reacted to the reports, said flooding was a regular occurrence in the Rajang basin, which warranted dredging of the Rajang River as part of flood mitigation measures.

The person, he said, expressed conviction that the dredging of the river would to a certain extent reduce the severity of flooding.

“Let the people see their wish fulfilled. Even if dredging may not be effective as a means to address the flooding problem, the government should at least give it a try,” said the member of the public.

Chieng himself suggested that residents in flood-prone areas form their own committees to provide relief to victims during emergencies like flooding and fires.

He said committees of this nature were popular in Japan.

“In my seven years in Japan, I noted that the Japanese had special committees in the respective areas to provide relief aid to victims of natural calamities such as earthquake and floods.

“Perhaps, this should be emulated in Sibu,” he said.

BP August 25, 2010, Wednesday


Sarawak Politics : Former Telang Usan assemblyman may contest in next election

Former Telang Usan assemblyman Kebing Wan looks set to contest against the Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate in the constituency during the coming state election.

This is because he was often seen moving around to various Iban and Kayan longhouses in the constituency.

Just last Friday night, he was accompanied by Sarawak National Party (SNAP) president Edwin Dundang Bugak on a visit to Rumah Lansam, Sg Dabai about five km from here where they held a dialogue, purportedly well-attended by the longhouse folks.

On Saturday night, Kebing visited and held a meeting with the people of Long Panai in Tutoh Region.

He also claimed to have received encouraging response when visiting several longhouses in Upper Baram and Lio Mato.

Kebing, a well-known figure in this constituency, served as a political secretary to the Chief Minister for about 16 years and a chairman of PBB Telang Usan before joining the opposition. In the 2006 state election, he stood on a SNAP ticket but lost to BN candidate and incumbent Lihan Jok in a three-cornered fight for the seat. He managed to garner 1,822 votes while Lihan obtained 4,593 votes. The other contender, Independent candidate Lidam Janang managed only 144 votes.

Known for his never-say-die attitude even though defeated in previous elections, Kebing won the Telang Usan seat when he defeated political secretary to the Chief Minister Robert Laing Anyie in the 1998 state election.

Besides Kebing, there are rumours that another Orang Ulu businessman will join the fray. Reliable sources said the coming state election will see a keen fight in Telang Usan.

Winning Belaga would be a breeze — Entulu

Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) is upbeat about winning the Belaga state seat comfortably in the next state election.
Its deputy president Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun said this was because major issues facing Belaga folk had been substantially addressed.

The issues already addressed include compensation to longhouses affected by the building of the Bakun hydroelectric dam project, payments for new longhouses and the Native Customary Right (NCR) land.

“This time we are very sure we will win very comfortably,” he told The Borneo Post and Utusan Borneo when met at Sibu Airport yesterday.

The three-cornered fight in the 2006 state election saw PRS incumbent Liwan Lagang winning the seat by a 227-majority.

He garnered 1,855 votes against independent Stanley Ajang Batok’s 1,628 votes. The other contender, John Bampa, from the Sarawak National Party obtained 912 votes.

“Thanks to the assemblyman (Liwan) and Hulu Rajang MP Datuk Billy Abit Joo for their initiatives to address the problems. They had also brought up issues to the relevant authorities,” Entulu said.

On a related matter, he said PRS was intensifying its preparations to face the 10th state election.

“Special focus is on Pelagus and Tamin constituencies,” he revealed.

It has been widely speculated that the election, which must be called by July next year, would be called after Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Besides Pelagus, Tamin and Belaga, other PRS-held seats are Kakus, Balai Ringin, Baleh, Batang Ai, and Bukit Begunan.

The party lost Ngemah to the opposition in the 2006 state election.

Entulu said the party planned to organise major events at each state constituency soon.

“The first of such event will be at Rumah Nyawin at Mile 36 in Sibu/Selangau Road. This area is under Tamin,” he said.

“In Pelagus, our information chief Wilson Nyabong Ijang has visited many longhouses.

“On my part, we have organised barbecue sessions with senior government officers and community leaders to explain to them the current political scenario in Pelagus.”

Entulu, who is Selangau MP, has words for those lobbying for candidacies in Pelagus and Tamin seats.

For Pelagus, the candidate will be a local who is born and bred in Pelagus. For Tamin, as usual, the priority is given to the incumbent. But should there be a need for change, we are also ready.

“We have a specific person in mind.

It is important for the leaders to consider geographical representation in choosing the candidate for Tamin,” he said.