Meetings planned with ministries and agencies to check excess spending

Treasury officials will meet with their counterparts in other ministries and agencies over spending excesses and non-compliance with guidelines on procurement.

Finance Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Wan Abdul Aziz Wan Abdullah said Treasury officials would be meeting them from next month over problems that have cropped up in the procurement system.

He said if wrongdoing was found, punitive measures, including imposing a surcharge for the excess costs, would be imposed.

“We want to improve the Federal Government’s procurement system by having more transparency and ensuring that there is more value for money,” he said.

He was commenting on ministries and agencies where their spending excesses and non-compliance with Treasury guidelines on procurement were highlighted in the 2008 Auditor-General’s report and the latest Starprobe report.

He was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the annual post-Budget dialogue hosted by the Malaysian Economic Association yesterday that checks and balances, including the internal monitoring system on spending by the respective ministries and agencies, have been under review since last month.

“I’m also very concerned as this (excessive costs) happens every year,” Wan Abdul Aziz said.

It is understood that from Sept 1, infrastructure projects valued below RM100mil would be handled directly by the ministry or agency concerned without having to go through the Finance Ministry.

For procurement of supplies and services, it would be RM50mil and below.

Previously, projects valued below RM50mil and procurement of supplies and services below RM30mil did not need Finance Ministry approval.

Wan Abdul Aziz said this was to cut down on red tape and ensure that projects and procurement were approved faster.

“Our priority will be on the open and restricted tender systems unless the procurement or project is for defence and security matters or if there’s only one supplier in the country,” he added.

On another note, Wan Abdul Aziz said despite the cut in the Federal Government’s operating budget for next year, core services would not be allowed to deteriorate.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had tabled an operating expenditure of RM138.3bil for Budget 2010, 14% below this year’s allocation.

“They’ve to maintain their core services so they’ll have to prioritise given the tight budget,” he said.


Bajet 2010 jamin penjagaan awal kanak-kanak

Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor menyifatkan peruntukan RM100 juta untuk program Permata dalam Bajet 2010 satu pengiktirafan terhadap kepentingan pendidikan dan penjagaan kanak-kanak di peringkat awal di Malaysia.

Isteri perdana menteri berkata ini akan membolehkan projek yang sudah dirancang di bawah inisiatif Permata dapat dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama pelbagai rakan kongsi termasuk kementerian dan institusi pengajian tinggi.

"Saya gembira dengan perkembangan ini kerana ini bermakna lebih ramai kanak-kanak, termasuk di kawasan luar bandar, akan dapat belajar di taman didikan kanak-kanak yang baik menggunakan sukatan pelajaran terkini," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis sambutan Aidilfitri dan Deepavali dengan rakyat Malaysia yang tinggal di Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE) di sini pada Ahad.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengumumkan peruntukan RM100 juta itu semasa membentangkan Bajet 2010 di Dewan Rakyat pada Jumaat.

Program Permata termasuk usaha untuk menubuhkan pusat Permata Negara bagi kanak-kanak di bawah umur lima tahun.

Program itu setakat ini telah diperkenalkan di 457 pusat jagaan kanak-kanak dan berjaya mendidik 17,565 kanak-kanak.

Pelajar yang memiliki kepintaran luar biasa dijangka mencapai kecemerlangan menerusi program Permata Pintar yang akan dilaksanakan oleh Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dengan kerjasama University of Johns Hopkins, Amerika Syarikat.

RM3.7 bilion disalur tingkat khidmat KDN

RM100,000 bagi pondok, balai polis tingkat kemudahan

Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) akan menggunakan peruntukan Bajet 2010 berjumlah RM3.7 bilion untuk membeli pelbagai peralatan termasuk senjatapi bagi meningkatkan kecekapan dan perkhidmatan anggotanya sekali gus memastikan kadar jenayah di seluruh negara terus berkurangan.

Menterinya, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, berkata pihaknya akan membeli 50 buah van penumpang, pembelian 400 pucuk pistol 9mm serta penyediaan pakaian seragam anggota Rela dan Jabatan Pertahanan Awam yang terpilih sebagai sukarelawan simpanan polis.

Malah beliau berkata, bagi meningkatkan dan menambah baik kebajikan anggota polis di seluruh negara, sebanyak RM90 juta akan dibelanjakan bagi tujuan penyelenggaraan balai dan pondok polis di seluruh negara.

"Melalui usaha ini, saya akan pastikan setiap balai dan pondok polis akan menerima peruntukan sebanyak RM100,000 bagi membaik pulih kemudahan di tempat masing-masing. Bagi saya, usaha ini penting bagi memastikan balai dan pondok polis sentiasa dapat beroperasi dalam keadaan selamat dan selesa," katanya dalam kenyataan akhbar di sini, semalam.

Hishammuddin mengulas ucapan Bajet 2010 oleh Perdana Menteri yang juga Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Seri Najib Razak di Dewan Rakyat pada Jumaat lalu.

Beliau berkata, KDN juga akan melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif lain seperti membeli alat perhubungan dan kelengkapan PDRM seperti lanci-lanci, alat perhubungan radio, senjata api dan peluru, kenderaan, kapal terbang, alat bantuan teknik dan sistem teknologi maklumat.

Sehubungan itu, katanya, sebanyak 35 projek untuk kemudahan kuarters, pejabat dan ubah suai bangunan di bawah Built, Lease and Transfer (BLT), dijangka siap pada 2010.

"Ianya membabitkan enam kuarters, dua Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK), 10 Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD), sembilan balai polis, tiga Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA), satu maktab polis, satu pusat latihan polis, satu Mes Pegawai Kanan PDRM, satu lokap dan stor barang kes dan satu pangkalan polis marin.

"Pada masa sama, sebanyak 25 projek pembangunan, 12 projek penambahbaikan dan 12 projek di bawah Peruntukan Jabatan Perdana Menteri dijangka siap pada 2010.

"Sebanyak 25 projek pembangunan itu membabitkan lapan pondok polis, 13 balai polis, dua pusat latihan dan dua pangkalan marin dan sebanyak 12 projek penambahbaikan pula membabitkan satu IPK, lima IPD, lima balai polis dan satu maktab polis manakala di bawah JPM pula membabitkan 12 projek perumahan PDRM," katanya.


Naik gred kakitangan hampir pencen - CUEPACS

22 Okt. - Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (CUEPACS) mahu kakitangan awam yang hampir bersara diberi peluang kenaikan gred tanpa perlu lulus peperiksaan Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (PTK).

Presidennya, Omar Osman berkata, mereka yang merupakan kakitangan senior perlu dinilai berdasarkan prestasi dan produktiviti sepanjang perkhidmatan.

''Mereka yang nak bersara lagi tiga tahun sudah agak susah nak menghadapi peperiksaan ini, bagilah pengecualian daripada lulus PTK, cukup dengan prestasi yang baik,'' katanya.

Beliau bercakap kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri perasmian Seminar Presiden-Presiden Kesatuan Gabungan CUEPACS di sebuah hotel di sini malam tadi.

Seminar tersebut dirasmikan oleh Menteri Besar Pahang, Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob. Turut hadir, Pengerusi CUEPACS Pahang, Kamarozaman Abd. Razak.

Omar berkata, perkara tersebut telah dibawa kepada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) untuk dipertimbangkan.

''Bilangan kakitangan terlibat tidak ramai dan kita berharap ia diluluskan supaya mereka dapat menjalankan tanggungjawab dengan lebih bersemangat,'' katanya.

Dalam perkembangan lain, Omar memberitahu, CUEPACS akan membincangkan cadangan semakan gred gaji semua kakitangan awam pada seminar kali ini.

Menurutnya, ia berikutan terdapat kira-kira 400,000 penjawat awam kebanyakannya kumpulan sokongan satu dan dua, sudah mencapai tangga gaji maksimum.

Beliau berkata, kebanyakan kakitangan awam terbabit masih mempunyai tempoh perkhidmatan yang panjang antara lima, enam dan 10 tahun lagi.

Katanya, kedudukan tangga 'gaji mati' itu sekiranya tidak ditangani akan menjejaskan perkhidmatan dan prestasi mereka yang mewakili kira-kira 45 peratus daripada kira-kira 1.2 juta kakitangan awam di negara ini.

''Mesti ada satu penambahbaikan di mana tangga gaji selaras dengan peningkatan umur persaraan,'' katanya.

Menurut Omar, peserta seminar akan memperincikan kertas cadangan semakan gred gaji itu pada sesi bengkel sebelum dikemukakan kepada kerajaan.

Beliau memberitahu, berdasarkan memorandum yang diserahkan kesatuan kepada kerajaan sebelum ini, gred gaji setiap kakitangan awam perlu disemak lima tahun sekali mengambil kira kos sara hidup semasa.

Utusan Malaysia 23/09/2009

IJN tidak akan dijual

22 Okt. 2009 - Kerajaan hari ini sekali lagi menegaskan bahawa Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) tidak akan dijual kepada mana- mana entiti sebaliknya akan terus dimiliki oleh kerajaan.

Berikutan itu, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop meminta semua spekulasi berhubung penjualan IJN dan mana-mana jabatan di dalam institut itu dihentikan.

Jelas beliau, kerajaan tidak pernah menerima, membincang dan membuat sebarang keputusan mengenai penjualan IJN kepada mana-mana syarikat.

''Jadi, semua laporan mengenai penjualan IJN adalah tidak benar dan ia tidak pernah berlaku.

''Dan, saya berharap dengan kenyataan ini (isu tersebut) tidak berpanjangan dan apa yang lebih penting saya tidak mahu isu ini timbul lagi.

''Apa yang diputuskan kerajaan sebelum ini adalah muktamad dan tidak akan ada sebarang perubahan dalam IJN,'' tegasnya kepada Utusan Malaysia.

Beliau mengulas mengenai laporan akhbar kononnya Unit Perancang Ekonomi sedang melaksanakan Skim Pelupusan Harta besar-besaran dengan memisahkan fungsi operasi IJN dan menubuhkan anak-anak syarikat baru.

Spekulasi itu mendakwa, anak- anak syarikat yang bakal ditubuhkan IJN itu termasuk perkhidmatan IJN, satu syarikat kerjasama untuk perkhidmatan sokongan hospital, aset IJN bagi mengurus bangunan dan peralatan dan farmasi IJN yang menguruskan farmaseutikal.

Laporan itu turut menyebut kertas cadangan mengenai pengambilan alih itu telah ditolak oleh Kementerian Kesihatan tetapi Unit Perancangan Ekonomi (EPU) didakwa telah memanggil pihak terbabit untuk membentangkan kertas cadangan kepada Perdana Menteri, Najib Tun Razak pada 27 Oktober ini.

Sebagai sebuah entiti korporat, IJN kini beroperasi di bawah IJN Holdings Sdn. Bhd. yang memiliki sepenuhnya hospital, IJN Capital, IJN Sukuk, IJN College dan IJN International.

Sebelum ini, syarikat konglomerat Sime Darby Bhd. (Sime Darby) berjaya mengambil alih 51 kepentingan dalam IJN namun pengambilannya dibatalkan selepas mengambil kira sentimen rakyat yang membantah keputusan tersebut.

Tempoh tahanan ISA 30 hari?

22 Okt. 2009 - Tempoh penahanan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) mungkin dipendekkan dari 60 hari kepada 30 hari.

Itu antara maklum balas paling banyak diterima oleh kerajaan dalam sesi pertemuan awam berhubung pindaan akta berkenaan.

Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein (gambar) berkata, cadangan tersebut sedang dipertimbangkan dan akan dibahaskan di Dewan Rakyat tidak lama lagi.

"Ada yang mencadangkan tempoh penahanan dikurangkan kepada 30 hari, ada juga yang mahu ia dilanjutkan.

"Bagi meyakinkan rakyat bahawa kita adil dan telus, semua cadangan itu akan dibentangkan pada sidang Parlimen kali ini," jelasnya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada persidangan akhbar selepas mempengerusikan sesi pertemuan awam mengenai ISA di pejabatnya di sini hari ini.

Antara pihak yang terlibat pada sesi tersebut ialah dekan-dekan fakulti undang-undang dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia dan Universiti Malaya; wakil-wakil dari Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), Majlis Belia Malaysia, Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Pekida) serta Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM).

Kementerian Dalam Negeri sebelum ini telah mengadakan empat sesi pertemuan awam melibatkan agensi-agensi penguat kuasa, pertubuhan- pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), pakar-pakar akademik, pengamal undang-undang, ahli-ahli politik, Ahli-ahli Parlimen serta individu-individu.

Menurut Hishammuddin, terdapat beberapa lagi sesi pertemuan bakal diadakan selepas ini seperti dengan Majlis Peguam dan NGO wanita.

Kata beliau, meskipun kerajaan menerima pelbagai cadangan daripada orang ramai, pindaan terhadap ISA tidak akan tersasar daripada perkara-perkara yang ditetapkan iaitu hak dan layanan terhadap tahanan, tempoh tahanan, bidang kuasa menteri dan persepsi orang ramai bahawa akta itu telus tanpa unsur-unsur politik.

Beliau menambah, semua pihak terbabit juga bersetuju bahawa ISA diperlukan bagi menangani ancaman terorisme.

Bold cuts in Budget 2010

Malaysians are assured that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s first budget, set against the backdrop of budget deficits worldwide, is by no means “boring’’.

This is despite the views held by many analysts that they do not expect any major positive surprise measures as the budget has been largely pre-empted by the various stimulus packages.

With stronger signs of economic recovery, Najib’s team is boldly setting an ambitious target to cut operating expenditure to the point that the Government’s original aim of balancing the budget (prior to the financial crisis) may be achieved by as early as next year.

Fiscal discipline will be a major issue as the Government is cognisant of investors’ concerns over its high fiscal deficit estimated at 7.6% of gross domestic product (GDP) this year compared with 4.8% last year.

According to Reuters, the 2010 target for the budget deficit will be set at 5.5% of GDP.

However, the Government’s bold move to trim inflated and unproductive operating expenses, as exposed in the recent auditor-general’s report, is unlikely to have a significant impact on growth, which will likely be revised slightly upwards from the current forecast of -4% to -5%,say economists.

The Asian Development Bank had revised its forecast for Malaysian economic growth this year to -3.1% from an original -0.2%. “The expenditure ceiling under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) is RM230bil and a total of RM174.2bil, or 75.8% of total allocation, has been utilised.

“This means that a balance of RM55.8bil will be allocated for the 2010 budget, a rise of 1.3% from an estimated RM55bil in 2009 (assuming a 3% spending shortfall from the budget allocation of RM56.7bil),’’ CIMB Investment Bank economic research head Lee Heng Guie said in a recent report.

However, given the constraint in the implementation capacity, the shortfall might be higher, he said.

Among the jobs to be considered for development funding are the Bakun undersea cable project, Sepang LCCT works and the Klang Valley light rail transit extension. There are 12 outstanding RM80bil mega projects which are not mostly part of the stimulus packages.

Anchored on the concept of “1Malaysia: Together We Prosper’’, his budget measures will address the needs of the rakyat from almost all walks of life with selective spending, especially in education, rural infrastructure, community and agriculture development, public utilities, healthcare as well as telecommunications (possibly including the acceleration of the roll-out of the high-speed broadband infrastructure).

The six key result areas to receive attention will likely involve the combating of crime and corruption, ensuring greater access to quality and affordable education, upgrading the quality of life for the poor, improving rural infrastructure and public transportation.

To encourage competition, there may be further liberalisation of protective barriers and gradual phasing out of tax incentives that are irrelevant.

To spur innovation, CIMB suggests an overhaul of the corporate tax code to include:

·A new knowledge tax credit that allows companies to take a 30%-40% credit on incremental increases in expenditure on research and experimentation, global standards setting, branding and workforce training; and

·Research and development (R&D) tax credit that supports fundamental and applied research to enhance productivity and competitiveness.

To encourage the adoption of technology that is environmentally friendly, it is suggested that the Government grant tax deductibility for R&D on developing new growth engines, devise incentives for installers of “green energy” or “renewable energy” technologies, give tax incentives for new energy-efficient homes, reduce import duty on hybrid cars and introduce a potential subsidy for mandatory biodiesel programmes.

Among the suggested measures to aid the recovery in the property sector include a reduction in the holding cost of property developers by allowing the early release of unsold bumiputra units after six months from a project launch, the bumiputra discount to be only applicable for houses priced up to RM250,000 to ensure equitable distribution, and reduction in the withholding tax on dividends received so as to boost the real estate investment trust market.


Harga minyak mentah cecah AS$82 setong

NEW YORK: Harga minyak mentah dunia terus melonjak ke paras tertinggi tahun ini, iaitu AS$82 setong semalam.

Kontrak hadapan New York bagi minyak 'light sweet crude' untuk pengagihan bekalan Disember naik AS$2.25 untuk ditutup kepada AS$81.37 setong.

Ketika dagangan semalam, harganya mencapai AS$82.00 setong, paras tertinggi pernah dicatat sejak Oktober 2008.

Kontrak London Brent North Sea untuk pengagihan bekalan Disember pula menyaksikan harga meningkat AS$2.45 kepada AS$79.69 setong.

Selain disebabkan kelemahan mata wang Dollar AS ketika ini, minyak mentah melonjak berikutan laporan bekalan mingguan Jabatan Tenaga Amerika Syarikat menunjukkan bahawa rizab minyak negara itu sudah menyusut 2.3 juta tong seminggu sejak 16 Oktober lalu. - AFP


Malaysia tempat ke-11 destinasi pelancongan dunia

20 Okt. 2009 - Malaysia menduduki tempat ke-11 sebagai destinasi pelancongan terkemuka dunia dengan 17.4 juta pelancong dalam tempoh Januari hingga September lalu mengikut senarai Pertubuhan Pelancongan Dunia (WTO).

Menteri Pelancongan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen berkata, kedudukan tersebut iaitu satu tangga di bawah Mexico yang banyak menerima kunjungan pelancong Amerika Syarikat (AS), adalah sesuatu yang perlu dipertahan dan dipertingkatkan.

Menurutnya, jumlah pelancong juga meningkat 6.6 peratus berbanding tempoh sama pada 2008 yang mencatat ketibaan 16.3 juta kemasukan pelancong.

Beliau yakin sasaran asal kemasukan 20 juta pelancong pada tahun ini boleh dicapai walaupun sasaran tersebut dikurangkan kepada 19 juta ekoran penularan wabak selesema babi atau influenza A (H1N1).

''Negara terus mencatat peningkatan ketibaan pelancong walaupun WTO mengakui 99 peratus negara mencacat pertumbuhan negatif kemasukan pelancong,'' katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas Majlis Pelancaran Projek Menaik Taraf Sistem Kereta Api Bukit Bendera yang disempurnakan oleh Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop di sini hari ini.

Nor Mohamed juga adalah Pengerusi Majlis Tindakan Persekutuan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Turut hadir ialah Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng.

Yen Yen berkata, kemasukan pelancong dari negara Asia Tengah seperti Ukraine, Khyrgistan dan Rusia mencatat peningkatan ketara selain kemasukan memberangsangkan dari China, Asia Barat, Australia dan Eropah.

Menurutnya, penerbangan langsung dari Asia Tengah mulai tahun depan dijangka merancakkan lagi kemasukan pelancong dari rantau itu.

''Hanya kemasukan pelancong dari Korea Selatan yang mencatat penurunan ketara,'' jelasnya.

Selain itu katanya, sektor pelancongan merupakan penyumbang kedua terbesar kepada negara pada tahun lalu dengan pendapatan berjumlah lebih RM50 bilion.

''Kita mesti terus mempromosikan sektor ini kerana sebarang pengurangan misalnya 10 peratus sahaja akan menyaksikan negara kehilangan RM5 bilion,'' katanya.

Selain itu kata beliau, Exco yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pelancongan perlu menggerakkan kerja-kerja mempromosi pelancongan di peringkat negeri.

Menurutnya, Tourism Malaysia bertanggungjawab menjalankan kerja mempromosi Malaysia secara menyeluruh bukannya mana-mana negeri secara spesifik.

''Dalam konteks ini Sabah telah bertindak dengan baik dan amat dikenali di seluruh dunia,'' katanya.

Tourism board making losses

THE Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board has not turned in a single ringgit of profit despite making investments of RM41.9mil since its inception in January 1976.

The Auditor-General’s Report revealed that the ministry’s subsidiary Pembangunan Pelancongan Nasional Sdn Bhd (Pempena) had not done due diligence before making its investments.

The report also found that seven subsidiary and 17 associated companies under Pempena suffered cumulative losses of RM32.37mil until Dec 31 last year.

Six of the seven companies recorded a RM3.74mil loss in 2007. Only one company, Malaysian Travel Business Sdn Bhd, made a profit of RM438,240 in 2007 after taxes.

According to the report, Pempena would record RM40.03mil in overall losses from its investments and initial capital outlay of RM52.86mil for the 24 entities.

“Pempena has made investments in subsidiary companies that are not viable because it has not done due diligence as a whole before making the investments,” the report said. It added that Pempena’s investments in its seven subsidiary companies and 17 associated companies were not presented and discussed with the board prior to approval.

“Pempena only informed the board after the investments were made,” it said.

The board in reply said it would report to the Finance or Tourism Ministry to withdraw the Government’s investments from subsidiaries that failed to declare dividends for three consecutive years.

The report also found that the board neglected to set up a committee responsible for valuing and monitoring its investments in the companies.

In its response, the board said it would form investment committees on “project basis” if its subsidiaries decided to make new investments.

“The audit also found that the board did not have any long-term and short-term strategic plans for the entire organisation,” it said.

In reply, the Board said it held a Strategic Planning and Direction workshop from Oct 16 to 18 as per the recommendations of the Auditor-General.

In response to the Auditor-General’s Report, Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said yesterday that the ministry had a special committee looking into the losses incurred by the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board,

She said the ministry was aware of all the issues, and was almost at the end to its investigation into the losses.

Wednesday October 21, 2009

RM649mil excess tax refunded late

THE Inland Revenue Board was late in refunding a total of RM648.70mil in excess tax payments to taxpayers between 2006 and last year.

The delay, according to the Auditor-General’s Report, was between 10 days and two years for those wo filed their returns manually and up to one year for those who did it through e-filing.

The report was based on an audit carried out on the Internal Revenue Board (IRB) in January and from August to October last year.

It said the delays were due to changes made to the Self-Assessment System, incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the taxpayers and the fact that IRB staff were overburdened with other duties.

“The IRB client charter states that excess tax should be returned to the taxpayer within three months for those doing manual or postal filings or one month for those carrying out e-filing.

“Of 424 transactions checked, 54.5% of them involving RM648.70mil in excess tax payments were not returned to the taxpayers for a period of between 10 days and two years for manual filings and up to one year for e-filings,” the report said.

In the Auditor-General feedback report, the IRB explained that it had supplied a tax payments guideline which was included in the IRB website to avoid delays.

Wednesday October 21, 2009

Two held over child’s death

A three-year-old girl believed to have been sodomised and abused by her mother’s Sudanese boyfriend was found dead in her house.

Her mother and boyfriend have been detained by police when their report was found to be false.

Aaliyah Aiman Hussin Abdullah was found sprawled in her house in Venice Hill Condominium in Kajang on Oct 12 by her mother when she returned home from work.

The 24-year-old single mother, accompanied by her boyfriend, lodged a report at the Kajang police headquarters.

Kajang OCPD Asst Comm Shakaruddin Che Mod said the mother alleged that her maid had abused Aaliyah and had run away but investigation revealed that no maid worked in the house.

A post-mortem revealed that Aaliyah suffered a fractured skull and had injuries on her body, said ACP Shakaruddin, adding that they had no confirmation yet of Aaliyah being sodomised.

“There are signs of she having been sodomised but we are still waiting for the full report from the experts,” he said yesterday.

Initial investigation revealed that the 25-year-old boyfriend, who claimed to be a student at a local university, had been staying with Aaliyah and her mother for almost a year.

ACP Shakaruddin said the boyfriend was no longer a student and his travelling document had expired.

The Star -Wednesday October 21, 2009

Finally, MyKad for Choong

Wait in vain: Choong was to have receive his permanent resident and birth certificate soon

Choong Yik Sheng, 99, who passed away yesterday, will finally be issued his MyKad.

Special officer to the Home Minister Datuk Lau Yeng Peng said Choong’s red MyKad had been issued and he was to have received his permanent resident and birth certificate soon.

“When I heard the news of his death I was choked with emotions. It’s really unfortunate,” Lau told The Star.

“We gave his case priority and simplified procedures for him because of time constraint. But we still had to abide by certain procedures, otherwise he would have gotten his MyKad earlier,” he added.

Lau said he would be attending Choong’s funeral at the Nirwana Memorial Centre in Jalan Sg Besi today to pay his respects.

He will also present Choong’s MyKad to the caretaker of the old folks’ home at the Siri Jayanti Metta Welfare Association in Setapak where Choong lived.

Choong’s case was highlighted by the Chinese newspapers in early October and soon after, the registration department was instructed to collect his personal data to facilitate the issuance of the MyKad

The Star Wednesday October 21, 2009


Malaysia Day to finally become a national holiday

THE date Sept 16 will officially be celebrated as Malaysia Day and will become a national public holiday starting from next year.

> The day is currently a holiday in Sabah and Sarawak as the official birthdays of ther respective Yang di-Pertua Negeris.

> On Sept 16, 1963, Sabah and Sarawak, together with Singapore, joined the Federation of Malaya to form Malaysia. Sarawak had earlier attained self government status on July 22, 1963, while Sabah and Singapore gained the status on Aug 31 the same year.

> Before that, Sarawak was ruled by the “White Rajahs” of the Brooke dynasty while Sabah was the British colony of North Borneo. Singapore was also a British colony.

> The Cobbold Commision was formed to get the views of the people of Sabah and Sarawak on the future of their territories and found that there was overwhelming support for joining Malaysia.

Sept 16 a day to mark unity

The Government has declared Sept 16 as a public holiday from next year in the spirit of 1Malaysia.

“We want the joys and sorrows of the people in Sabah and Sarawak to be felt by the people in the peninsula,” Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.

Announcing this at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, he said Malaysia Day would be celebrated with events that would foster closer unity and understanding among the different races.

The Merdeka Day on Aug 31, on the other hand, would be marked with events to commemorate the historical moment and to remind Malaysians about the struggle for independence from the colonialists.

He said this in reply to a question by Putatan MP Datuk Dr Marcus Mojigoh, who had asked about the extent of public response to the 1Malaysia concept.

Najib said Sept 16, 1963 – the day Sabah and Sarawak became part of the nation – was a momentous time in Malaysian history.

On racial integration in Malaysia, Najib said the country had opted for the integration of its people even from the early days of the country’s birth instead of assimilating them.

“It is the best path because we portray a strength that is based on unity.

“There is no other country that is as unique as Malaysia.

“And because of that, we can say we have a country that is clearly based on an understanding among the races and we can accept other influences, which has been made into part of our culture.

“Everyone has a place under the 1Malaysia roof,” he added.

Teaching of Science and Maths in BM for Year One could possibly begin in 2011

The Education Ministry is looking into the possibility of implementing the teaching of Science and Mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia for Year One students beginning 2011, a year ahead of schedule.

Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said on Tuesday this would depend on several factors including the adequacy of teachers, how soon the new curriculum could be drafted and whether the text books for Science, Mathematics and English would be ready by next year.

“For Year Four, Form One and Form Four students, the policy will begin in 2012 to enable the Ministry to make the necessary preparations,” he said when replying Hulu Terengganu MP Mohd Nor Othman during the question-and-answer session in Parliament.

Muhyiddin also gave his reassurance that the Government was serious about abolishing the policy of Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) while prioritising the new strategy to uphold Bahasa Malaysia and strengthen English (MBMMBI).

Mohd Nor and 12 others had also asked for the Government’s rationale in waiting until 2012 to revert to teaching both subjects in Bahasa Malaysia and its efforts implementing MBMMBI.

He said the cost of implementing the PPSMI since it was introduced in 2003 was RM5bil, which included the cost of providing facilities and training teachers.

The ministry will ask for adequate allocation to make the MBMMBI a success besides using existing facilities, he said.


Over 610,000 out of Sabah’s 3.4 million population are foreigners

One out of every six people in Sabah is a foreigner.

Disclosing the latest statistics yesterday, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hi­­shammuddin Tun Hussein said foreigners comprised 610,104 of Sabah’s 3.4 million population.

He said the largest number comprised 317,837 undocumented migrant workers and their dependants while 230,000 more are working in the state legally.

Hishammuddin said statistics ob­­tained from the two-phase Ops Berse­padu carried out over the past two years showed that there were 57,197 people living in the state as refugees.

Hishammuddin said a total of 5,643 illegal immigrants were detected in the first phase of Ops Bersepadu that focused in the state’s west coast and interior and 4,427 more were uncovered in the second phase in the east coast districts.

He said a notable achievement of Ops Bersepadu was the registration of 317,837 migrant workers and their dependants who were illegals.

Of this number, he said, just over half or 192,723 migrant workers had legalised their stay by paying the necessary levies while 120,114 more had yet to do so even after the Immigration Department extended the deadline for the process from May 31 to Oct 31.

“We have also reduced the levy by half. Thus if these foreign workers and their employers still refuse to regularise their stay, we will take stern action.

“So many opportunities have been provided to legalise their presence in Sabah. After October, we will be embarking on a more aggressive operation to nab illegal migrant workers,” Hishammuddin added.

PM isytihar 16 September cuti umum Hari Malaysia mulai tahun depan

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, mengumumkan 16 September sebagai cuti umum Hari Malaysia di seluruh negara mulai tahun depan.

Ini bermakna rakyat Malaysia akan merayakan dua hari kebangsaan secara berkembar.


Corruption blocks growth

As diverse as Malaysian youths are, they agree that corruption holds back national progress., the nation’s largest independent online youth community, in an ongoing survey to gauge its members’ attitudes towards corruption found that, at press time, 97% of 523 respondents agreed that corruption impeded the country from progressing.

The survey will end after 3,000 members have responded.

Asked whether they would support leaders who can prove they stand against corruption, 92% of respondents agreed.

However, 58% of the respondents think corruption in the country would get worse while 73% agreed that Malaysia does not have a clear anti-corruption agenda and strategy.

“This suggests corruption is a significant electoral issue for young Malaysians, and a lack in confidence in both the political will and the current strategies to address it,” said Khailee Ng, executive director of Youth Asia, which owns the YouthSays blog.

Only 28% of the respondents polled could name current Malaysian leaders who support anti-corruption.

Two out of the top five names held positions in the Government.

They are Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.

The three individuals are from the Opposition – PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, and DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang.

The results of the poll can be found on

We don’t have ‘express PhD’, says Unimas

Vice-chancellor says university has strict vetting procedure when assessing candidates

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) vice-chancellor Prof Dr Khairuddin Abdul Hamid answered with a firm “no” when reporters asked yesterday if there were shortcuts to getting a degree in the university.

“We, as a university, place great emphasis on the quality of our students. There is a strict procedure and process before an applicant is accepted to do his PhD in this university. We look at his academic qualifications as well as other relevant experience, if any.

“Depending on which area of research he wants to pursue, we will appoint the relevant faculty to take him in,” Khairuddin said during the university’s Ramah Tamah Aidilfitri yesterday.

Khairuddin also pointed out that an applicant would also have to prepare a research proposal and a committee would evaluate the proposal to decide whether he had the ability and standard to do a PhD.

He said the university would only allow him to register as student if the committee was satisfied.

“The duration of study for a PhD is three years full-time at the minimum. It will take five to seven years if a student does it part-time. We do not just give away PhD to people,” he elaborated, adding there was no such thing as “express PhD” in Unimas.

Earlier in his welcoming speech, Khairuddin congratulated the chairman of the Unimas board of directors Tan Sri Datuk Amar Bujang Mohd Noor, who was present at the

open house, on his being awarded as Tokoh 1Malaysia by the prime minister recently.

He also announced that Unimas had won one gold, one silver and three bronze medals during the International Research and Inventions Expo for Institutions of Higher Learning (PETICTA) this month.

Unimas also won first prize at the recent Asia Pacific ICT Awards, he added.

According to Khairuddin, the theme for this year’s open house was based on the concept of ‘Melayu Tradisional’ which was why food and drinks were placed in stalls that were decorated to look like Malay houses.

These stalls were creatively decorated by faculties, institutes, centres and departments from the university.

The purpose of the open house was to inculcate the spirit of togetherness and cooperation among staff who mingled around and enjoyed the open house delicacies.

Guests were entertained with games, Hari Raya songs and karaoke sessions.

Also present at the event were deputy vice-chancellor Prof Dr Fatimah Abang and deputy vice-chancellor of student affairs and alumni Prof Madya Mohd Fadzil Abd Rahman.

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Kadar indeks jenayah Sarawak turun 7.86%

8 Okt.2009 - Kadar indeks jenayah di Sarawak bagi tempoh sembilan bulan pertama tahun ini menurun 7.86 peratus iaitu kepada 10,252 kes berbanding 11,126 kes bagi tempoh yang sama tahun lalu.

Pesuruhjaya Polis Sarawak, Datuk Mohmad Salleh berkata, daripada jumlah berkenaan, polis berjaya menyelesaikan 48.27 peratus kes atau sebanyak 4,949 kes jenayah bagi tempoh tersebut.

Menurutnya, penurunan indeks jenayah berkenaan banyak dibantu oleh penurunan kadar jenayah terutamanya di bandar-bandar besar di Sarawak.

''Namun kejayaan yang dicapai itu tidak akan terhasil sekiranya tiada usaha keras yang menyeluruh atau tindakan secara kolektif secara berterusan daripada semua pegawai dan anggota dalam melaksanakan tugas mereka.

''Saya percaya dengan adanya kesedaran dan penghayatan terhadap amanah dan tugas bagi setiap pegawai dan anggota, prestasi polis kontinjen Sarawak akan terus cemerlang pada masa akan datang," katanya di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada perhimpunan bulanan Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Sarawak di sini.

Turut hadir, timbalannya, Datuk Hamza Taib dan Komander Briged PGA Sarawak, Datuk Law Hong Soon dan Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah negeri, Senior Asisten Komisioner II (SAC II) Huzir Mohamed.

Dalam perkembangan lain, Mohmad memberitahu, mana-mana pegawai dan anggota yang didapati melakukan perkara yang bercanggah dengan disiplin pasukan boleh dikenakan tindakan buang kerja sekiranya didapati bersalah.

Projek lulus 14 hari

Tempoh kelulusan permohonan bagi semua projek kendalian Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) daripada pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) kini dipercepatkan kepada 14 hari berbanding tiga hingga enam bulan sebelum ini.

Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor, berkata langkah berkuat kuasa serta-merta itu diputuskan selepas mendapat persetujuan Kabinet menerusi Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kerja Tindakan Negara pada April lalu dan Mesyuarat Majlis Negara, bulan lalu.

Beliau berkata, semua projek yang sebelum ini diuruskan dan diselia oleh JKR tidak perlu lagi dikemukakan kepada Pusat Setempat PBT untuk mempercepatkan pemerosesan.
Katanya, urusan mengemukakan senarai cadangan projek, pelan dan dokumen berkaitan kepada Pengarah Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan Desa Negeri (JPN) juga dibuat sendiri oleh JKR.

Selain itu, rundingan mengenai perkara teknikal projek yang dikemukakan melalui JKR akan dinilai oleh Jawatankuasa Teknikal JPN melalui mesyuarat khas yang akan dipengerusikan Pengarah JPN bersama PBT, Pejabat Tanah dan Galian, JKR, Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat, Indah Water Konsortium, Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia, badan berkuasa air negeri dan jabatan teknikal lain yang berkaitan.

"Pengarah JPN yang juga setiausaha jawatankuasa itu perlu mengadakan rundingan dalam tempoh tidak melebihi 14 hari selepas menerima senarai projek yang mengandungi maklumat perancangan lengkap daripada JKR.

"Kita harap proses ini akan memberikan lebih banyak kemudahan kepada pemaju, manakala JKR mudah untuk memantau projek yang dilaksanakan," katanya selepas menghadiri Majlis Sambutan Aidilfitri kementeriannya, di sini semalam.

Shaziman berkata, langkah itu untuk memastikan tidak timbul masalah kelewatan dalam melaksanakan projek dan kegagalan menyiapkan projek sehingga menyulitkan pelbagai pihak.

Ia juga bagi menyahut seruan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk memastikan gagasan 'Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan' berjaya dicapai.

"Kita kenal pasti kelewatan kelulusan disebabkan beberapa perkara. Jadi, kita sudah mencapai kata sepakat menggantikan prosedur yang kita gunakan sebelum ini," katanya.


Lelaki ditahan kerana cuba masuki Sarawak guna MyKad yang palsu

Jabatan Imigresen menahan seorang lelaki setibanya di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuching kelmarin (Khamis) ketika cuba memasuki negeri ini menggunakan MyKad palsu.Lelaki berusia dalam lingkungan 30-an itu tiba dari Kuala Lumpur pada kira-kira jam 5.15 petang dan ketika pemeriksaan di kaunter imigresen seorang pegawai imigresen yang bertugas mendapati MyKad dipegang lelaki itu adalah milik lelaki lain yang berusia 26 tahun.

Selepas pemeriksaan lanjut ke atas MyKad itu, pegawai berkenaan mendapati gambar pemilik sebenar kad pengenalan itu telah ditukar dengan gambar suspek.

Suspek kemudiannya ditahan untuk disoal siasat dan dalam soal siasat itu lelaki berkenaan mengakui dia telah menggunakan MyKad orang lain dalam usaha untuk memasuki negeri ini.

Suspek diserahkan kepada polis untuk membolehkan siasatan lanjut dilakukan.